hohserg1 / HoverHelm

net operation system for OpenComputers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Net-oriented operation system for OpenComputers


Available hdd from server through network card on clients Useful for drones and microcontrollers img

Features compared with standard EEPROM

Development progress


Minimum system requirements

Finite device Finite device HH Server HH Server

Installation server

  1. Install OpenOS
  2. Execute pastebin run xh61Yx8a
  3. Edit opened config
    1. Add related linked and network cards by template
    2. Configre devices folders path if need

Installation client

  1. Run HoverHelm server hoverhelm/main.lua
  2. In HH terminal execute prepare_eeprom <device name> <server network card address> <port> <client network card address>
    1. If server have only one configured network card, than it type can be used instead of address(modem or tunnel)
    2. Client network card address may be omitted if client have only one card


  1. Run HoverHelm server hoverhelm/main.lua
  2. Run devices, simply by on it
    • When each device is launched for the first time, its custom folder will be created at /home/hoverhelm/devices/<deviceName>/
    • A string <deviceName> started will be twisted in the server terminal and in the device log file. Now device is ready
    • Common files for all devices is located at /home/hoverhelm/device_core/ (coreRootFolder in config)
    • Device specific files is located at /home/hoverhelm/devices/<deviceName>/ (userRootFolder in config)
  3. Execute deviceName>device-program-name args in HH terminal for execute program device-program-name on device deviceName with arguments args
    • Program with name example will be searched at /test.lua or /programs/test.lua related on device folder
    • Out of the box available only lua and reboot programs