What is your dream?
pogi is a wrapper over pg.js to use PostgreSQL easier.
it is somewhere in between, around the golden middle ground.
so all the basics that you would expect in 2018.
npm install pogi --save
Our experience on migrating from mongo
import {PgDb} from "pogi";
let pgdb = await PgDb.connect({connectionString: "postgres://"});
let table = pgdb['test']['users']; //or pgdb.test.users if you generate the interface
let c1 = await pgdb.query(`SELECT COUNT(*) as c FROM ${table} WHERE active=:active`, {active:true});
let c2 = await table.count({active:true});
c1[0].c == c2; //true
//mix json and relational columns (e.g. enumerations)
await table.insert({name:'simply', permissions:['r','w','e'], props:{email:'undefined@dev.null'}});
let rows;
//use the same operators as in postgre
rows = await table.find({'name ~':'Jo.*', //regexp
'jsoncolumn @>':{'dream':{'change':'the world'}}, //contains
'arraycolumn @>':['up', 'down']}); //contains
//will be transformed to "select * from test.users where id in (1,2,3)"
rows = await table.find({id:[1,2,3]});
//easy fallback
rows = await table.findWhere('"happyWife"="happyLife" and name=:name', {name:'me'});
//convenient functions
let power = await pgdb.queryOneField('SELECT MAX(power) FROM magical.dbhandlers');
power; //>9000
//much more!
What is? It's just usually not written (definitely not in the front page), but see more in the docs. I wish more project would be honest about it to save a lot of hours for others. If you find more, don't hesitate to tell us!
Ideas are welcome! To compile & test
npm run build
npm run test