holepunchto / pear-expo-hello-world

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[!IMPORTANT] This repo is obsolete to bare-expo, which is based on react-native-bare-kit.

A Pear Runtime hello world using Bare with Expo.


Make sure below packages are installed on your system:


  1. Clone this repo:

    git clone https://github.com/holepunchto/pear-expo-hello-world.git
  2. run following command to sync git submodules:

    git submodule update --init --recursive

    [!NOTE] From now on, you should run npx bare-dev vendor sync after updating bare git submodule.

  3. run npm install to install all the dependencies, or use other package manager by preference.

  4. run configure script from the project root (Need to append the --configure flag when first run)

    ./bin/hello-pear.js --configure

    could also run as npx hello-pear --configure, or do npm link then run hello-pear --configure.

hello-pear commands

By default the hello-pear script will builds bare for every architecture for both iOS and Android, but a more fine grained build could be achieved:

# list all commands
hello-pear --help

# iOS simulator only
hello-pear --ios-sim

# iOS and iOS simulator
hello-pear --ios --ios-sim

# Android only arm archs
hello-pear --android arm64 arm

# Android only arm64
hello-pear --android arm64

# Android only x86 archs
hello-pear --android x64 ia32

Run on Device

[!IMPORTANT] After any change in the source code that runs on bare you need to re-run hello-pear in order to apply the changes.

You can check expo-cli docs but as a cheat sheet:

# build and run on iOS connected devices
npm run ios
# clearing the build cache
npx expo run:ios --no-build-cache

# build and run on Android connected devices
npm run android
# clearing the build cache
npx expo run:android --no-build-cache

# just start the local server
npx expo start --dev-client

How it works

The project create an Expo module to access Bare JS scripts via tiny-buffer-rpc

In App.js we defined the UI with React Native, and call reverseString function from lib/native.js, the input string will be reversed.

In lib/native.js it register the HelloBare expo module from modules/hello-bare, and with reverseString definition, it will forward rpc calls to bare/main.js

[!NOTE] The rpc.register is based on number instead of name, so make sure you register user side and native side methods in the same order.

[!INFO] bare/hello-bare-jsi defined the interface for both Android and iOS to forward rpc calls to bare/main.js.

Short Tutorial

We'll replace reverseString call to uppserString call.

  1. Comment out the code in App.js, lib/native.js and bare/main.js
  2. then run ./bin/hello-pear.js --ios-sim or equivalent command to build and generate required code.
  3. Run npm run ios or equivalent command to see the screen.