hollyhudson / erg-interface

Code to interface with the sensors on the Virtufit 1000 rowing machine to provide custom stats.
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ESP8266 on a breadboard on the water rower

Adds an interface for the Virtufit water resistance row 1000 rowing machine to provide custom stats.

Electrical Interface

Closeup of the sensors on the cable spool

Two magnetic sensors configured for quadrature encoding of direction and velocity. The cable spool has two magnets on it and provides around nine data points on each stroke.

The sensors are connected to a 3.3V input pullup and pull the line low when the magnet passes it. There is a glitch when the magnet is directly underneath, which can cause issues at low speed and requires a debounce filter on the input.

Software Interface

Plot of the power from some different strokes

Serial 115200 baud, prints columns of data.

Data Schema

A row is recorded at the end of each tick (after a magnet has passed the second sensor).

workout_time_usec Time since beginning of workout.

stroke_time_usec Time since beginning of current stroke.

tick_duration_usec Time it took for the magnet to pass from one sensor to the next (from falling edge on sensor A to falling edge of sensor B of the electrical signal). Positive values are produced during the drive, and negative during the recovery.

inst_power Instantaneous force exerted on the handle. Calculated by the speed of the belt squared, with the speed of the belt being calculated as the inverse of the tick duration.

stroke_power Integral of the drag forces for current stroke, calculated here with a running sum for simplicity.

inst_spm Approximation of strokes per minute based on speed of previous stroke.