holomorph / transmission

Emacs interface to a Transmission session
GNU General Public License v3.0
85 stars 11 forks source link

+TITLE: transmission.el

+STARTUP: showall

An interface to a Transmission session for GNU Emacs. See the commentary in =transmission.el=.

+CAPTION: Screenshot of transmission.el in action. The typeface is Inconsolata.

+NAME: fig:example


Available as the =transmission= package on MELPA https://melpa.org/.

One can install as a package with


M-x package-install-file RET /path/to/transmission.el RET


Otherwise, for installing into one's =load-path=, a system install, etc., do the usual


make make install


The customizables =transmission-host=, =transmission-service=, and =transmission-rpc-path= are used for the URL to communicate with a Transmission RPC server. The defaults reflect the URL http://localhost:9091/transmission/rpc. Also, there is =transmission-rpc-auth= for setting a username and password. Setting a password is optional; Emacs' auth-source facility can search =auth-sources= for an associated password.

To see the rest of the customizable variables, visit the =transmission= customization group with


M-x customize-group RET transmission RET