homermultitext / hmt-authlists

CITE Collections defining important authority lists for the Homer Multitext project
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This repository hosts CITE Collections in CEX format defining authority lists for the Homer Multitext project. Collections are cataloged in CEX files in the catalog directory; datasets are in files in the data directory.

For users

If you need a new identifier added to one of the authority lists, please create a new issue (the large green button on this page), using one of the preformatted templates.

If you need to look up the URN for a dingbat, you can use this chart.

For editors

Editing and validating a collection

Collections should be edited in a local clone of this repository and validated before committing. Before you start editing any files, open the Pluto notebook in this repository, authlist-validator.jl. (That is, start Pluto from a Julia terminal, using Pluto, then Pluto.run(), and open authlist-validator.jl).

From the popup menu in the notebook, choose the collection you want to edit in order to find the highest numbered URN used so far in your collection, Follow the instructions in the notebook to validate your work as you edit.

Format of personal names list

The list of personal names has 7 columns with these headings:
