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Hash Table #26

Open hon9g opened 4 years ago

hon9g commented 4 years ago

Problems selected by LeetCode for the topic Hash Table 🌐

Click ✔️ to go to each solution. The Link to each problem🌐 is at the top of each solution.

🔗 Design a Hash Table

# title my solution
705 Design HashSet ✔️
706 Design HashMap ✔️

🔗 Practical Application - Hash Set

# title my solution
217 Contains Duplicate ✔️
136 Single Number ✔️
349 Intersection of Two Arrays ✔️
202 Happy Number ✔️

🔗 Practical Application - Hash Map

# title my solution
1 Two Sum ✔️
205 Isomorphic Strings ✔️
599 Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists ✔️
387 First Unique Character in a String ✔️
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II ✔️
219 Contains Duplicate II ✔️
359 Logger Rate Limiter ✔️

🔗 Practical Application - Design the Key

# title my solution
49 Group Anagrams ✔️
249 Group Shifted Strings ✔️
36 Valid Sudoku ✔️
652 Find Duplicate Subtrees ✔️

🔗 Conclusion

# title my solution
771 Jewels and Stones ✔️
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters ✔️
170 Two Sum III - Data structure design ✔️
454 4Sum II ✔️
347 Top K Frequent Elements ✔️
288 Unique Word Abbreviation ✔️
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) ✔️
hon9g commented 4 years ago

705. Design HashSet







Binary Search Tree as a Bucket







/** Hash Set




hon9g commented 4 years ago

706. Design HashMap




BST as Buckets










Built-in object Map




hon9g commented 4 years ago

217. Contains Duplicate

hon9g commented 4 years ago

136. Single Number



Bit Manipulation

hon9g commented 4 years ago

349. Intersection of Two Arrays

hon9g commented 4 years ago

202. Happy Number




hon9g commented 4 years ago

1. Two Sum

hon9g commented 4 years ago

205. Isomorphic Strings

hon9g commented 4 years ago

599. Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists

hon9g commented 4 years ago

387. First Unique Character in a String

hon9g commented 4 years ago

350. Intersection of Two Arrays II

hon9g commented 4 years ago

219. Contains Duplicate II

hon9g commented 4 years ago

359. Logger Rate Limiter


hon9g commented 4 years ago

49. Group Anagrams

hon9g commented 4 years ago

249. Group Shifted Strings

hon9g commented 4 years ago

36. Valid Sudoku

hon9g commented 4 years ago

652. Find Duplicate Subtrees

hon9g commented 4 years ago

771. Jewels and Stones

Hash Set

hon9g commented 4 years ago

3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

hon9g commented 4 years ago

170. Two Sum III - Data structure design



hon9g commented 4 years ago

454. 4Sum II


hon9g commented 4 years ago

347. Top K Frequent Elements

hon9g commented 4 years ago

288. Unique Word Abbreviation



hon9g commented 4 years ago

380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)



