honojs / create-hono

CLI for creating a Hono app
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Create Hono

Create a Hono application from starter templates.

Quick Start

Starter templates are available for each platform. Use one the following "create-hono" commands.

# npm
npm create hono@latest

# yarn
yarn create hono

# pnpm
pnpm create hono@latest

# bun
bun create hono@latest

# deno
deno run -A npm:create-hono@latest



You can specify the desired template from the command line. This is useful for automation, where you'd like to skip any interactive prompts.

npm create hono@latest ./my-app -- --template cloudflare-pages


Install dependencies after cloning template.

npm create hono@latest ./my-app -- --install

--pm <pnpm|bun|npm|yarn>

Allows you to specify which package manager to use.

npm create hono@latest ./my-app -- --pm pnpm


Yusuke Wada https://github.com/yusukebe

and Hono contributors



This project source code is based on Create Solid MIT Licensed. https://github.com/solidjs/solid-start/tree/main/packages/create-solid