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Development & build process fix and various other amendments (2nd attempt) #50

Closed chrisdwheatley closed 10 years ago

chrisdwheatley commented 10 years ago

This changes the overall structure of the project, hence the difficult to de-construct diff. I've been pushing to my own gh-pages to test, you can view it here - http://swirlycheetah.github.io/hood.ie/ (some links won't work due to the url structure difference but you can still get to them manually).

Although this is a merge with the gh-pages branch it'll in effect need to be merged/copied over to master and then the gh-pages branch removed as that'll just be used for the deploy process.

I rebased as per @gr2m's request but it seems to have duplicated my commits, not quite sure if that's expected behaviour or my incompetence =\ If that can be tidied up I'll happily do it.

A list of amendments:

Other things which could be worth doing:

svnlto commented 10 years ago

this is huge.

also, +1000 on:

serve static files from CDN (can be done for free with Cloudflare) concat vendor css & js in with hoodie files, e.g. jQuery & Mailchimp

espy commented 10 years ago


Wow! Impressive! Thank you so much! That's a massive improvement, and it all looks excellent so far. I'll take a closer look later today, just to get my bearings again :)

Thanks for all the work you put into this!

chrisdwheatley commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the kind words =)

The main culprit in the size of this PR is the removal of the node_modules directory, which is currently committed into the repo, if you don't take that into account it's just some folder restructure, a build process and a few small tweaks.

Using a CDN for static content on gh-pages is especially useful as you have no control over the cache headers and their default is only 10 minutes, see http://www.webpagetest.org/performance_optimization.php?test=140218_KV_95S&run=1&cached=0.

espy commented 10 years ago

Right, I just merged it manually, somehow managed to miss your CNAME commit in the process and therefore took the site down for a couple of minutes, but that was easily fixed :)

Thanks again, grunt deploy is a joy to use :)

chrisdwheatley commented 10 years ago

Thanks Alex, yeah I made a slight error with the CNAME location and was frantically asking someone to add it in manually on IRC until my request got merged, looks like you had it under control though. I only committed the change a few minutes ago so thats probably why it got missed.

I'll send over a fresh PR shortly to change the location of the CNAME file and robots.txt to be under the src directory, this'll save having to add files manually to the grunt shell cp command.

espy commented 10 years ago

Oh dear, sorry about that, I should definitely be in there more often. Also: good point, that makes much more sense that what I just did :D