hoodiehq-archive / hood.ie-website-old

⛔ deprecated
74 stars 14 forks source link


This was the first Website Hoodie ever had. It's now been replaced with our new one. Thank you for the music, good ol' friend!


Reminder: no work should be committed directly into the gh-pages branch, the deploy process will handle this.

Clone the repository and cd into the project directory:

$ git clone git@github.com:hoodiehq/hood.ie.git && cd hood.ie

Install the development node modules:

$ npm install

Develop your new feature/bug fix in the usual way, the suggested workflow is to:

Once those amendments are merged into master they will need to be deployed to the gh-pages branch to be updated on the site, this can be done by anyone as long as they have updated their local version of master and have the required node modules installed ( npm install). Deploy by running the following command:

$ grunt deploy

The deploy process does the following: