hookla / DreamTeamGPT

Define your own dream executive team and watch them brainstorm your idea.
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DreamTeamGPT 🤖🤖🤖

Pick your dream executive team and watch them brainstorm your idea....


Create new virtual environment with python3.11

pip install poetry  # install poetry
poetry install      # install project dependencies

cp .env.template .env   # .env is used for local environment variables

Update .env with your OpenAI API key

After installation run

make verify

Before committing your updates don't forget to apply formatting

make fmt


Use run.sh to make AI work on your idea:

./run.sh -i "profitable children's toy for Christmas"
Output example ['profitable children's toy for Christmas.'] Jeff Bezos: Target tech-based toys. Kids are increasingly tech-savvy. Toys that integrate AI, VR, or coding aspects are trending. Ensure availability and swift delivery to capitalize on the holiday surge. Manage supply chain effectively to avoid stockouts or delivery delays, both detrimental to customer experience. Consider partnering with manufacturers to ensure timely restocking. Analyze past sales data to forecast demand accurately. Promote early shopping to ease last-minute logistics pressure. Bill Gates: Invest in educational toys that integrate software components. Interactive learning tools with a focus on STEM subjects. High potential for global impact, especially in underprivileged areas. Consider partnerships with educational institutions for product development and distribution. Sustainability should be a priority in manufacturing. Jeff Bezos: Focus on robust supply chains to ensure steady toy availability. Prioritize fast, reliable shipping to enhance customer experience. Use data analytics to predict top-selling toys and stock accordingly. No room for supply disruptions during peak season. Use customer feedback for continuous improvement. Jeff Bezos: Introduce AI and AR into the toy. Kids like interactive toys. AI can help in creating a personalized experience, AR can make it more immersive. Ensure supply chain is robust, can handle demand spikes during Christmas. Consider a pre-order model to forecast demand and reduce supply chain stress. Partner with reliable logistics providers for timely delivery. Prioritize customer feedback, use it to improve product and service. Bill Gates: Educational software toys would be a good investment. They can help children develop coding and problem-solving skills. Ensure the toy is accessible to all income levels to address global education disparities. Explore partnerships with global health organizations to include relevant health education content. Jeff Bezos: To maximize profit, focus on toys that are lightweight and compact for efficient shipping. Ensure availability by diversifying suppliers, mitigating risk of disruptions. Implement predictive analytics to anticipate demand, streamlining inventory management. Incorporate reliable, fast delivery options to enhance customer experience. Ensure web platform can handle increased traffic and purchases. Prioritize customer feedback to quickly address issues and maintain reputation.

Check help for more options:

./run.sh --help