Additional Clustering Refiner (ACR), which regroups the contigs of the metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) using k-means clustering algorithm, to obtain MAGs with better quality.
Usage: -g [bin folder] -c [coverage file] -o [output]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GENOME, --genome=GENOME
genome file path
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
output folder
-c COVERAGE, --coverage=COVERAGE
contig coverage file
genome file extension |default: fa
-p PREFIX, --prefix=PREFIX
prefix |default: refine
-s SIZE, --size=SIZE MAG size filter |default: 500k
-t PROCESS, --process=PROCESS
number of workers | default = 1
-b BYPASS, --bypass=BYPASS
bypass prodigal - hmmsearch | default = N
-j JGI, --from_jgi_cov=JGI
please insert Y or N (Y=using jgi coverage file) |
default = N
-m GMESEUK, --run_gmesEuk=GMESEUK
gene prediction with gmes for Euk (Y or N) | default =
core gene completeness | default = 50
core gene contamination | default = 10
--target=TARGET refiner target (Prok or Euk) | default = Both
(Prokaryote and Eukaryote)
python -g test_SHIPPO/bin/ -o test_SHIPPO/refine -c test_SHIPPO/cov.txt
The example data are genome bins from Seong, et. al's previous ocean microbiome study.
#in the [ACR path]
wget -O data.tar.gz
tar -zxvf data.tar.gz
ACR requires python 3.7 or above.
Here are the python library requirements
1. conda (or use mamba) create -n ACR -c bioconda python=3.7 eukcc==0.2 EukRep==0.6.7 scikit-learn==0.19.2 pandas==1.1.2
2. conda activate ACR
3. pip install kmeans1d
hmmalign:[add absolute path]
hmmpress:[add absolute path]
pplacer:[add absolute path] #
guppy:[add absolute path] #
EukRep:[add absolute path] #
runGMES:[add absolute path] #please install GeneMark-ES []
-Overall ACR workflow
A) MQ and HQ MAGs of different genome binner intersections using CAMI2’s rhizosphere gold-standard assembly dataset.
B) Recovered fungal MAGs’ genome quality statistics and MAGs information via ACR.