hootsuite / healthchecks

A go implementation of the Health Checks API used for microservice exploration, documentation and monitoring.
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api gin-gonic golang health health-checks microservice microservices monitoring

go healthchecks


A go implementation of the Health Checks API used for microservice exploration, documentation and monitoring.

How to Use It

Using the healthchecks framework in your service is easy.


// Define a StatusEndpoint at '/status/db' for a database dependency
db := healthchecks.StatusEndpoint{
  Name: "The DB",
  Slug: "db",
  Type: "internal",
  IsTraversable: false,
  StatusCheck: sqlsc.SQLDBStatusChecker{
    DB: myDB
  TraverseCheck: nil,

// Define a StatusEndpoint at '/status/service-organization' for the Organization service
org := healthchecks.StatusEndpoint{
  Name: "Organization Service",
  Slug: "service-organization",
  Type: "http",
  IsTraversable: true,
  StatusCheck: httpsc.HttpStatusChecker{
    BaseUrl: "[Read value from config]",
  TraverseCheck: httpsc.HttpStatusChecker{
    BaseUrl: "[Read value from config]",

// Define the list of StatusEndpoints for your service
statusEndpoints := []healthchecks.StatusEndpoint{ db, org }

// Set the path for the about and version files
aboutFilePath := "conf/about.json"
versionFilePath := "conf/version.txt"

// Set up any service injected customData for /status/about response.
// Values can be any valid JSON conversion and will override values set in about.json.
customData := make(map[string]interface{})
// Examples:
// String value
// customData["a-string"] = "some-value"
// Number value
// customData["a-number"] = 123
// Boolean value
// customData["a-bool"] = true
// Array
// customData["an-array"] = []string{"val1", "val2"}
// Custom object
// customObject := make(map[string]interface{})
// customObject["key1"] = 1
// customObject["key2"] = "some-value"
// customData["an-object"] = customObject

// Register all the "/status/..." requests to use our health checking framework
http.Handle("/status/", healthchecks.Handler(statusEndpoints, aboutFilePath, versionFilePath, customData))

Writing a StatusCheck

A StatusCheck is a struct which implements the function func CheckStatus(name string) StatusList. A StatusCheck is defined or used in a service but executed by the healthchecks framework. The key to a successful StatusCheck is to handle all errors on the dependency you are checking. Below is an example of a StatusCheck that checks the connection of Redis using the gopkg.in/redis.v4 driver.

type RedisStatusChecker struct {
    client RedisClient

func (r RedisStatusChecker) CheckStatus(name string) healthchecks.StatusList {
    pong, err := r.client.Ping()

    // Set a default response
    s := healthchecks.Status{
        Description:  name,
        Result: healthchecks.OK,
        Details: "",

    // Handle any errors that Ping() function returned
    if err != nil {
        s = healthchecks.Status{
            Description:  name,
            Result: healthchecks.CRITICAL,
            Details: err.Error(),

    // Make sure the pong response is what we expected
    if pong != "PONG" {
        s = healthchecks.Status{
            Description:  name,
            Result: healthchecks.CRITICAL,
            Details: fmt.Sprintf("Expecting `PONG` response, got `%s`", pong),

    // Return our response
    return healthchecks.StatusList{ StatusList: []healthchecks.Status{ s }}

Writing a TraverseCheck

A TraverseCheck is a struct which implements the function func Traverse(traversalPath []string, action string) (string, error). A TraverseCheck is defined or used in a service but executed by the healthchecks framework. The key to a successful TraverseCheck is to build and execute the /status/traverse?action=[action]&dependencies=[dependencies] request to the service you are trying to traverse to and returning the response or error you got. Below is an example of a TraverseCheck for an HTTP service.

type HttpStatusChecker struct {
    BaseUrl string
    Name    string

func (h HttpStatusChecker) Traverse(traversalPath []string, action string) (string, error) {
    dependencies := ""
    if len(traversalPath) > 0 {
        dependencies = fmt.Sprintf("&dependencies=%s", strings.Join(traversalPath, ","))

    // Build our HTTP request
    url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/status/traverse?action=%s%s", h.BaseUrl, action, dependencies)
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error creating request: %s \n", err.Error())
        return "", err

    // Execute HTTP request
    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error executing request: %s \n", err.Error())
        return "", err

    // Defer the closing of the body
    defer resp.Body.Close()

    // Read our response
    responseBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error reading response body: %s", err.Error())
        return "", err

    // Return our response
    return string(responseBody), nil

How To Contribute

Contribute by submitting a PR and a bug report in GitHub.


healthchecks is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for details.
