SBT plugin for extracting Swagger & JAX-RS (jsr311) annotations from compiled classes into Swagger API models, which are then serialized to JSON for consumption with swagger-ui.
Modify the following 2 files in your project as described below:
Add sbt-swagger
to your project's plugins:
addSbtPlugin("com.hootsuite" %% "sbt-swagger" % "1.0.0")
Configure your project's SBT build to use it.
Make sure to replace com.example.your.project.package
in the example below with your project's package prefix.
import com.hootsuite.sbt.swagger
val swaggerSettings = Seq(
swagger.Sbt.apiVersion := "1.0",
swagger.Sbt.basePath := "http://localhost",
swagger.Sbt.apiPath := "/",
//swagger.Sbt.packages := swagger.Sbt.All
swagger.Sbt.packages := swagger.Sbt.WhitelistPrefixes(Seq("com.example.your.project.package")),
swagger.Sbt.excludePropertyClassPrefixes := Set("play.api.libs.json")
) ++ com.hootsuite.sbt.swagger.Sbt.swaggerSettings
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// API annotations
"com.wordnik" % "swagger-annotations" % "1.3.10",
// The following is only necessary if you're having trouble resolving dependencies
"" % "jsr311-api" % "1.1.1")
// merge swaggerSettings into the project's settings
lazy val myProject = Project(
id = "something-meaingful",
base = file("."),
settings = platformSettings ++
dependencySettings ++
swaggerSettings ++
Check directory. This is a small complete sample application that uses sbt-swagger.
sbt swagger
Generates swagger JSON output in target/swagger/*.json
Swagger's @Api*
annotations are the main markers and can be complemented with additional semantics
annotations. Neither Swagger nor JAX-RS alone offer a complete set of functionality.
This extractor favors Swagger's @Api*
annotations over*
ones where there is an overlap:
if a piece of information is specified using both Swagger @Api*
the generated models will use the information from Swagger's annotation.
// com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.*
// class level
// method level
// parameter level
// field level
// class level:
// method level:
// parameter level:
See TweetEndpoints :
@Api(value = "/tweet", position = 2, description = "View a tweet, list tweets, or post a tweet. Everything about Tweets!")
trait TweetEndpoints {
@GET // one operation to rule them all #annotations
value = "Get a tweet of given tweetId",
notes = "It actually returns a fixed value just for now.",
position = 8, // relative to others in the generated output
response = classOf[Tweet],
responseContainer = "List")
@ApiResponses(value = Array(
new ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "no tweets for you!"),
new ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "invalid user id"),
new ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "GETs only")
def get( @PathParam("userId") userId: String,
@HeaderParam("fromDate") fromDate: String,
@QueryParam("toDate") toDate: String,
@FormParam("what") what: String,
@CookieParam("who") @DefaultValue("me") who: String
): Future[List[Tweet]] = {
Future.successful(List(Tweet(123123, s"$userId", "an awesome message"), Tweet(79878999, s"$userId", "another one")))
case class Tweet(id: Int, userId: String, body: String)
Repeated invocations of the swagger
command from the sbt console won't see updated/recompiled
classes. Need to quit/reload sbt, or run sbt swagger
from the shell each time.
TODO: see issue #6
All method parameters are automatically considered API parameters - no option to hide some that are not part of the API.
Workaround: extract a method that represents a 1:1 mapping with the actual exposed API in terms of parameters and input-output models, and wrap it as necessary for pre- (validation, etc) and post-processing.
Workaround: use List/Seq (and case classes).
Workaround: perform validation outside of the designated API method, pass non-optional values to the API (and annotate with @ApiParam(required = true|false) when necessary).
required = true|false
explicit annotations.Workaround: use explicit annotations:
// for API parameters
@ApiParam(required = true)
// for model fields
@ApiModelProperty(required = true)
// for case class fields
@(ApiModelProperty @scala.annotation.meta.field)(required = true)
Workaround: use @ApiModelProperty(dataType = "...") to explicitly set it for the extractor. @ApiModelProperty works and is picked up from annotated API params as well, not just model properties.
// "list", "set" and "array" all map to the same "array[T]" in the generated apidocs JSON
// List container ignored for API parameters (but not for model properties)
@ApiModelProperty(dataType = "list[CreatePostRequest]")
postRequests: List[CreatePostRequest]
// extracted as Object otherwise
@(ApiModelProperty @field)(dataType = "set[integer]")
errors: Option[Set[Int]] = None
@(ApiModelProperty @field)(dataType = "integer")
minAge: Option[Int] = None,
@(ApiModelProperty @field)(allowableValues = "Public,DirectConnections,DirectAndSecondaryConnections", dataType = "enum")
globalRestriction: Option[GlobalRestriction.Value] = None,
(why we need to compensate with
@ApiOperation :
- does not allow to specify a (sub)path - would require one class per endpoint-path
- does, can annotate methods
@ApiParam :
- does not allow to specify the source of a parameter (header/path/query/form/cookie)
- allows a few extra attributes to be specified:
- required (defaults to false)
- dataType useful when extractor didn't figure it out
- allowMultiple (defaults to false - except for path parameters)
- allowableValues useful for enum types (defaults to "")
- description
@ApiModel :
- marks explicitly a class as a model
(though all models should be recursively discovered from API inputs/outputs)
@ApiModelProperty :
- marks explicitly a method or field as a model property
- 'hidden = true' useful for hiding implicits (e.g. JSON formatters)
that are not part of the API and should be filtered out by the extractor
Submit a bug report and pull request in GitHub.