hopkira / k9-chess-angular

Angular JS K9 robot controller, designed primarily for use on a iPad or Android touch device as a virtual joystick. Also visualizes the robot's surroundings using camera and sensor data.
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Create sensor driver that sends LIDAR messages to node-RED #11

Closed hopkira closed 5 years ago

amitmangalvedkar commented 7 years ago

From where can I procure a LIDAR? I saw the following available https://www.protocentral.com/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=lidar&submit_search= But these seem to be pretty costly. Are there any cheaper alternatives available? Or best case can we use simulated data till an actual device is procured? If yes, what is the mode of communication between Pi and Node-RED? - HTTP / MQTT / WebSocket?

hopkira commented 7 years ago

Hi Amit, I've posted quite extensively on this on the #chess-dog-design channel on our Slack channel (https://ibmaot.slack.com/home). The discussion includes pictures and a link to the cheap LIDAR we're using. I've created a test harness so that we don't all need to buy LIDAR and IR sensors to try and come up with some good collision detection algorithms. The harness currently sends simulated readings via websockets to node-RED. The code is here: https://github.com/hopkira/k9-chess-angular/blob/master/python/harness.py