hopkira / k9-chess-angular

Angular JS K9 robot controller, designed primarily for use on a iPad or Android touch device as a virtual joystick. Also visualizes the robot's surroundings using camera and sensor data.
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angularjs chess chess-ai cognitive-robotics doctor-who doctorwho espruino ibm ibm-watson ibm-watson-speech k9 node-red roboclaw roboclaw-motor-controller robot robotics

K9 Controller

Code and configuration files for a chess playing enhancement to a remote presence robot!

The root directory contains some frequently requested design documents and plans as PDFs, plus the index.html that defines the HTML that is the root page of the end user app.

Directory Structure


Chess profiler by the amazing Maris Van Sprang!


JSON configuration files for IBM Watson Assistant workspaces


CSS files for end user interface largely generated and maintained by Ionic


Embedded JavaScript routines that run on Espruino picos to offload the overhead of working with low level sensors from the Pi. This includes a neural net implementation for combining five ultrasonic sensor readings into a position vector.

File Description
moving_avg_net.js Generated neural net that runs on the Espruino; generates a moving average of readings
back_panel.js Controller for the back planel IR sensors, switches and touch sensors
sensors_LIDAR_ears.js Controller for the LIDAR ears that are used to see in front of the robot. The program combines the function to move the ears, alongside the ability to read the servo potentiometer to work out which direction they are facing and to read the distance readings from the LIDAR itself
ears only_test.js Simple controller for the ear servo motors only (no LIDAR)


Visuals for end user interface, includes default camera image and SVG for Sensors tab. Some reference images of the hero prop are also included.


The AngularJS JavaScript that is the bulk of the end user application function

File Description
app.js Basic structure of the application modules plus some low level functions
controllers.js Each tab has its own controller in this file that respondes to user events and manipulates the model. This separation of event handling and model manipulation makes maintenance and problem diagnosis easier.
directives.js There are custom directives for the locked/unlocked icon on each tab (that shows whether communications between browser and dog are working in both directions) and the joystick on the Motors tab. These directives make the HTML much easier to understand and maintain.
services.js The shared services maintain a model of the state of the dog in the front end app; they also support the creation of sockets between the app and dog and the standardisation of messages flowing over that connection. The translation between sensor readings and the SVG world are also calculated here for display on the sensors page.


This directory contains the high level descriptions, models and schematics for K9. It also provides 3D models in SketchUp and TinkerCAD/3d printing formats to enable the recreation of components.


This directory contains the flows to control K9. It provides the means to flow information between the various elements of the dog and co-ordinates movement and speech. It also contains the definition of the dashboard to show on K9's screen.


This directory contains the python programs that use the Adafruit PWM Servo Driver and RoboClaw PID MotorController to make K9 move. A harness is included to generate sensor data to simulare collisions. There are also some simple scripts to interface to Watson Conversation and STT (and to K9's espeak TTS)

Program Description
K9PythonController.py RoboClaw based Motor Controller
ear_controller.py Controls K9's ears to collect forward facing LIDAR information
logo.py Translates simple Logo paths into a movement plan for the RoboClaw
memory.py Provides access to K9's short term memory which stores state and sensor readings
status.py Sends K9's current state to node-RED (and browser) as JSON string every 200ms
K9_roboclaw_init.py Stores PID and motor settings in Roboclaw NVRAM
node_RED_harness_ultrasonic.py Creates simulated LIDAR, IR and ultrasonic sensor readings
ttsrobot.py Uses Snowboy, Watson STT, Conversation and TTS - a bit Alexa like :+)


Simple deployment scripts to move code into right place on the Pi


Standard JavaScript library used to integrate SVG and AngularJS on the Sensors page


This directory contains the HTML for each of the tabs of the user interface (including the definition of the tabs themselves!). Keeping the html for each tab separately simplifies testing and maintenance.


Tessel is not currently used on the K9 robot