hoplon / hoplon-castra-template

Create new Hoplon projects with Castra
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A Boot and Leiningen template for creating new Boot-based Hoplon projects with Castra and deploying them to Heroku.


$ boot -d boot/new new -t hoplon-castra -n my-project-nake


To deploy a war file to Heroku:

$ boot make-war
(first time only) $ heroku plugins:install https://github.com/heroku/heroku-deploy
$ heroku deploy:war --war target/project.war --app <your-app-name>

To deploy a standalone jar, add the following to your build.boot file:

(deftask build-jar
  "Builds a standalone jar."
  (comp (aot :namespace #{'app.main})
        (cljs :optimizations :advanced)
        (jar :main 'app.main)
        (sift :include #{#"\.jar$"})
        (target :dir #{"target"})))


boot build-jar
heroku deploy:jar --jar target/project.jar --app <your-app-name>

hoplon-castra template deployment for maintainers

Note: to deploy to Clojars you must be a member of the hoplon-castra group on Clojars. Ask @alandipert for access if you need it.

  1. Update +version+ in build.boot. Add the change and push to Github.
  2. boot build-jar push-release to push the releas to Clojars. This also creates a tag for the release.
  3. git push --tags to push the new release tag up to Github.


Copyright © 2013-2016 Micha Niskin, Alan Dipert and Marcelo Nomoto

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.