horizon-ui / shadcn-nextjs-boilerplate

Shadcn UI NextJS Boilerplate ⚡️ Free Open-source ChatGPT UI Admin Dashboard Template - Horizon AI Boilerplate
MIT License
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Horizon AI Boilerplate Admin Dashboard NextJS Shadcn UI

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Launch your SaaS startup within a few days with the first Admin Dashboard Shadcn UI NextJS boilerplate. Get started with Horizon AI Boilerplate today!


Horizon AI Boilerplate NextJS Shadcn UI

  ### Introduction Horizon AI Boilerplate is the first open-source Admin Dashboard OpenAI ChatGPT AI Template made for Shadcn UI, NextJS, and Tailwind CSS! Start creating outstanding Chat AI SaaS Apps faster. It comes with over 30+ dark/light frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. ### Documentation Each element is well presented in a very complex documentation. You can read more about the documentation here. ### Quick Start Install Horizon ChatGPT AI Template by running either of the following: - Install NodeJS LTS from [NodeJs Official Page](https://nodejs.org/en/?ref=horizon-documentation) (NOTE: Product only works with LTS version)
Clone the repository with the following command: ```bash git clone https://github.com/horizon-ui/shadcn-nextjs-boilerplate.git ``` Run in the terminal this command: ``` npm install ```
``` npm run init ```
Then run this command to start your local server: ``` npm run dev ```   ### Your API Key is not working? - Make sure you have an [OpenAI account](https://platform.openai.com/account) and a valid API key to use ChatGPT. We don't sell API keys. - Make sure you have your billing info added in [OpenAI Billing page](https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/overview). Without billing info, your API key will not work. - The app will connect to the OpenAI API server to check if your API Key is working properly. ### Figma Version Horizon AI Boilerplate is available in Figma format as well! [Check it out here](https://www.figma.com/community/file/1374394029061088369)! 🎨 ### Example Sections If you want to get inspiration for your startup project or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example sections. You will be able to quickly set up the basic structure for your web project. View example sections here --- # PRO Version Unlock a huge amount of components and pages with our PRO version - Learn more

Horizon AI Boilerplate NextJS Shadcn UI

--- # Reporting Issues We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for the Horizon UI. Here are some advice for our users who want to report an issue: 1. Make sure that you are using the latest version of the Horizon UI Boilerplate. Check the CHANGELOG for your dashboard on our [CHANGE LOG File](https://github.com/horizon-ui/shadcn-nextjs-boilerplate/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md).
1. Providing us with reproducible steps for the issue will shorten the time it takes for it to be fixed.
3. Some issues may be browser-specific, so specifying in what browser you encountered the issue might help. --- # Community Connect with the community! Feel free to ask questions, report issues, and meet new people who already use Horizon UI! 💬 [Join the #HorizonUI Discord Community!](https://discord.gg/f6tEKFBd4m) ### Copyright and license ⭐️ [Copyright 2024 Horizon UI](https://www.horizon-ui.com/?ref=readme-horizon) 📄 [Horizon UI License](https://horizon-ui.notion.site/End-User-License-Agreement-8fb09441ea8c4c08b60c37996195a6d5) --- # Credits Special thanks to the open-source resources that helped us create this awesome boilerplate package, including: - [Shadcn UI Library](https://ui.shadcn.com/) - [NextJS Subscription Payments](https://github.com/vercel/nextjs-subscription-payments) - [ChatBot UI by mckaywrigley](https://github.com/mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui)