hoshsadiq / m3ufilter

ABANDONED - A tool that allows to filter specific items from an m3u filter designed for IPTV.
GNU General Public License v2.0
48 stars 18 forks source link
iptv iptv-m3u8 m3u8 playlist


I suggest you invest some into setting up TVHeadend instead. It can do what m3ufilter does, and more, and better. If you are willing to take over the project, feel free to raise an issue.


This is a utility that will allow you to cleanup your M3U/M3U8/M3U+ files. This can change feed titles, names, tvg attributes, add/remove additional entries and much more.

Warning: right now, due to it's rapid development, I cannot guarantee breaking changes.

How to run

Simply create a config (see example below), and the you can run the binary:

m3ufilter -config /path/to/config.yaml

The command has the following arguments

Usage of m3ufilter:
  -config string
        Config file location (default "~/.m3u.conf")
  -log string
        Where to output logs. Defaults to stderr
  -playlist string
        Where to output the playlist data. Ignored when in server mode. Defaults to stdout

Example config

  server_listen: localhost:8080
  update_schedule: "*/24 * * * *"
  output: m3u
    - Entertainment
    - Family/Kids
    - News
    - Drama
  - uri: file:///path/to/m3u/playlist.m3u
      - match(Group, "UK.*") && !match(Name, "^24/7")
      - match(Id, "3e.ie")
      - name: replace(Name, "[\\s\\:\\|]+", " ")
      - name: replace(Name, "^VIP ", "")
      - name: replace(Name, "USA", "")
          tvg-id: tvg_id(Name) + ".us"
          - Name == "USA CNN"
          - Name == "CNN"
          - Name == "CNN HD"
  - uri: file:///path/to/epg.xml
      replacement: find # key = what to replace it with, value = what to find
      bbc.uk: "BBC One"

The meaning of the config options are as follows:

Core config
IPTV providers
EPG providers
For filters, name and setters, the following functions are available:
Additionally, the following variables are available:
variable content m3u tag mapping
ChNo The channel number tvg-chno
Id The ID to sync up with XMLTV tvg-id
Name This is the channel name tvg-name
Uri The URL for the stream The URL (not a tag)
Duration The duration of the stream, this is usually -1 due to Live TV being being.. well.. live. The duration (not a tag)
Logo The logo (can be either a url or a base64 data string) tvg-logo
Language The language of the stream tvg-language
Group The group category group-title
Generic expression syntax

Within the filters, you may use these syntax operations to filter channels. Many of those are also available within the name and attribute section. As long as they return the expected data type.


Due to the underlying library used for the logic parsing, setting a value to a generic string is not straight forward and must be double quoted, first with single quote, then double quote.

For example, if you want to set the for a channel to "My Channel", you have to do is as follows:

  - name: '"My Channel"' # this works
      - Name == "some criteria"
  - name: "My Channel" # this is invalid
      - Name == "some criteria"
  - name: 'My Channel' # this is invalid
      - Name == "some criteria"
  - name: My Channel # this is invalid
      - Name == "some criteria"

In theory all of the above should be valid, but until a solution has been thought of, the workaround is to simply prefix it with an equals, e.g.:

  - name: = My Channel
      - Name == "some criteria"

Note that prefixing it with an equals marks the whole expression as literal string, excluding the equals. If you want a string with an equals in front of the text, you'll need to use two equals.

Server endpoints

The following server endpoints are available for use:

Future plans

The idea behind this is to be one stop shop for generating both xmltv and m3u files from any source. This will eventually add support for xml, and will automatically try to match up channels and EPG data should this not exist. Any other ideas you have? Feel free to raise a ticket.