hotfix-studios / scrum-poker

This is an application that integrates with GitHub Projects for seamless import of product backlogs into a UI for easy sprint estimation.
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

GH Scrum Poker

This is an application that integrates with GitHub Projects for seamless import of product backlogs into a UI for easy sprint estimation. Scrum-Poker will watch select repos after the app is installed to a user's GitHub (user acct, org acct, or repo)


First Time:

NODE_ENV="development" PORT="..." WSS_PORT="..." WEBHOOK_PATH="..."

### To Develop:
- In root of `scrum-poker`
- Make sure your branch is up to date:
  - This will fetch current remote main and merge into your feature-branch
# fetch and merge remote main into your feature branch
git pull origin main
# Install packages if needed
npm i

To Test:

Clear Caches:

If Bash/ZSH Terminal, from root


- If you want to clean out `node_modules` and reinstall them:
  - This is good if you get a blinking terminal, or a good first step in debugging weird issues in general...
# If Powershell Terminal, from root

# If Bash/ZSH Terminal, from root


Naming Patterns


  //# ###############
  //# # REST/CRUD ###
  //# ###############
  //# USE:
  //# # - Create...
  //# # - Find...
  //# # - Update...
  //# # - Delete...
  //# ###############


  //# ##################
  //# # HTTP ROUTES ####
  //# ##################
  //# USE:
  //# # - Post...
  //# # - Get...
  //# # - Put/Patch...
  //# # - Delete...
  //# ###############