hotosm / ui

Shared UI components with HOT theming
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Use UnoCSS directive transformers #51

Closed emi420 closed 4 days ago

emi420 commented 1 month ago

Instead of adding classes to the element:

<h1 class="hot-text-2xl hot-color-primary hot-font-sans hot-font-bold hot-pl-3 hot-m-0">

Use @apply (or --at-apply)

.hot-header-h1 {
  @apply: hot-text-2xl hot-color-primary hot-font-sans hot-font-bold hot-pl-3 hot-m-0;

And then the single class:

<h1 class="hot-header-h1">
spwoodcock commented 4 weeks ago

Looks better!

But does this sort of approach replace the proposed Class Variance Authority setup?

emi420 commented 3 weeks ago

Class Variance Authority is partially implemented, but I think we could use both things together, as one not replace the other.

Taking Header as an example:

const headerVariants = cva(
  // Defaults to include in all variants
    flex flex-row bg-[var(--hot-white)] items-center justify-between
    sm:justify-around p-2 border-b-2 border-b-gray-100 border-b-solid
    variants: {
      size: {
        small: "h-8",
        large: "h-14",

We could have a base class and then the variants:

const headerVariants = cva(
  // Defaults to include in all variants
    variants: {
      size: {
        small: "hot-h-8",
        large: "hot-h-14",

Then, there are other places when styling doesn't have variance, like the example that I've provided. But, if we need variance there, we can also implement the same strategy, having a base class and the variants.

spwoodcock commented 3 weeks ago

Looks great 🎉