hotosm / ui

Shared Web Components with theming for use across HOTOSM tools.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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HOT Shared UI


Shared Web Components with theming for use across HOTOSM tools.

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Shared UI components with theming for use across HOTOSM tools, to reduce code duplication.

The components are Web Components, currently written in Lit, using TypeScript.

Compositie components (header, sidebar, etc) are generated using Shoelace, with the remaining low-level components exported from the Shoelace library too.


There are two options for install:

Components Bundle


  import '@hotosm/ui/dist/style.css';
  import '@hotosm/ui/dist/components.js';

// Use the components in your templates
<hot-header @login="someFunction()"> </hot-header>


// Import the styles (or create your own)

// Import the components

<hot-header @login="someFunction()> </hot-header>

The jsdelivr CDN only includes package releases, with @latest pointing to the most recent tagged release.

There is also an S3-based CDN, where latest tracks the main branch of the repo:

ES Modules


import '@hotosm/ui/components/header/header';

// Then in your template
<hot-header @login="${someFunction()}"></hot-header>


Versions of React below v19 require a specific 'wrapper' component to use the web components.

Use these instead of the standard @hotosm/ui/components/xxx:

pnpm install @hotosm/ui
import { Button } from '@hotosm/ui/react/Header'

const HomePage = ({}) => {
  return (
    <div className="your-css-classes">
        <Header @onLogin="${someFunction()}" />

export default HomePage;

Note that while web components must always have a closing tag, this is not required for the React wrappers.

Using Extra Shoelace Components

The UI library contains many composite components, such as headers, sidebars, tracking banners, etc, and does not re-invent the wheel for low-level components.

Shoelace is an excellent UI library that is exported directly from @hotosm/ui.

To access the low-level components, such as buttons, dropdowns, modals, etc, simply import the component of the same name from the [Shoelace docs] (

import '@hotosm/ui/components/button/button';

// Then in your template
<hot-button disabled variant="secondary">Can't Click Me</hot-button>

If you are using a bundler, you must bundle the (icon) assets yourself, described in the Shoelace docs.

Example of bundling assets

  "scripts": {
    "clean-icons": "rm -rf public/assets/icons",
    "get-icons": "cp -r node_modules/@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/assets/icons public/",
    "setup-dist": "pnpm run clean-icons && pnpm run get-icons",