houlei0324 / EasyDML

An Easy programming tool for Distributed Machine Learning
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An Easy programming tool for Distributed Machine Learning

 ______                _____  __  __ _
|  ____|              |  __ \|  \/  | |
| |__   __ _ ___ _   _| |  | | \  / | |
|  __| / _` / __| | | | |  | | |\/| | |
| |___| (_| \__ \ |_| | |__| | |  | | |____
|______\__,_|___/\__, |_____/|_|  |_|______|
                  __/ |


This is a light python project for programming distributed machine learning algorithm easily, there are three key objects we want to achieve:


We use python to make this project can be deploy on windows, linux and mac, all dependences is listed as follow:
-- python3
-- pip
-- numpy
-- mpi4py
-- python-gflags
-- pytest
You can use pip to install all the packages and easily deploy this project on your cluster or PC.

Path setting for different os

You need to change path (both alg file and data file)in run.sh && alg/*.py correspond to different os.
In advance, we have define several runnable pathes in code.

How to Run
