After we have looked at some general formatting pointers and discussed the purpose and functions of a CV in class, you should have the tools you need to fix a broken CV.
You can find the PowerPoint comparing formatting options (with notes) in this repo, as well as Joe Bloggs's CV which needs your help.
- Fork this whole repo and clone your fork to your computer.
- Open Joe's CV and have a good, critical look.
- Within your forked repo on GitHub, use the issues tracker to note a list of things that need to be changed.
- Make the changes in a new .md document on your computer.
- Push to GitHub.
- Start a pull request to have your new CV for Joe reviewed by a classmate or two.
- Look at pull requests from other people and leave constructive comments.
We should be able to collaboratively come up with a new CV for Joe. Which ever version we decide to use will have the pull request accepted and merged.