houseoflifeproperty / bitpop

Repo for the freedom loving - the open source browser project, BitPop
8 stars 5 forks source link


BitPop is an easy, fast, powerful, pretty and brave web browser based on open-source Chromium project.

Our goal

Avoid unfair censorship on the Internets


You can download BitPop from


Contact either the project support for general questions, or the main contributor for discussing development and source code-related topics.


Build Instructions

  1. install depot_tools. Refer to for the steps needed
  2. add the depot_tools directory to your system PATH variable
  3. pull the repository to a local folder
  4. cd into the directory from Step 3

4.1. Mac OS X: setup environment variable GYP_GENERATORS='ninja,xcode' to have an option for either building slightly faster with ninja build system or using old good xcodebuild

  1. Run
gclient runhooks

5.1 Windows: 5.2 Mac OS X 5.2.1 Use XCode 4.4 command-line tools setup. 5.2.2 Add 10.6 SDK from XCode 3.2.6 distro to the main XCode bundle by using the following Terminal command

ln -s <XCode 3.2.6 directory>/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk <XCode 4.4 directory>/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk
  1. Build either 6.1 Using ninja: ninja -C out/Release chrome 6.2 Using xcodebuild: xcodebuild -project chrome/chrome.xcodeproj -configuration Release -target chrome 6.3. Using MSVS: Open build/all.sln, set chrome as current active project, set configuration to Debug or Release, build it


The source for BitPop is released under both the MIT licence for the Chromium part, and the GNU General Public License, for the features we added, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the license, or (at your option) any later version.

BitPop is a trademark of BitPop AS.