hovancik / later-on

The reminder app
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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The reminder app

LaterOn is a cross-platform Electron app that allows you to create custom reminders.

Download it from Releases page.

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LaterOn lives in your tray and sends the reminders as defined by your schedule. They appear in a form of a regular OS notification. Here's an example of the default reminder that comes on the start of the app:

LaterOn notification

You can manage your reminders from tray "Reminders" menu.


Example notification is show, together with the next occurrences and the rule. You can then edit or remove a reminder.


Notification title is a title of the notification that you'll receive.

Notification body is a body of the notification that you'll receive.

Type is an type of interval that you want to use. Can be either:

Interval let's you specify schedule for notifications.

Here are some examples for repeat and once type intervals:

Syntax is very flexible and you can learn more at the docs of the used library.

You can also use cron syntax.

Same rules apply when adding new reminder.


Tray menu

LaterOn lives in your tray are and has a menu there.

LaterOn tray

You can open Reminders management, see upcoming reminders and access Preferences as well.

LaterOn tray

Preferences allow you to setup various aspects of LaterOn, see information about the app and debugging info.

LaterOn Preferences


Icon made by Freepik from Flaticon.