howardchung / watchparty

Watch anything together in-sync with your friends
MIT License
741 stars 136 forks source link



An website for watching videos together.


Quick Start

Advanced Setup (optional)

All of these are optional and the application should work without them. Some functionality may be missing.

YouTube API (video search)

This project uses the YouTube API for video search, which requires an API key. You can get one from Google here.

Without an API key you won't be able to search for videos via the searchbox.

After creating a YouTube Data API V3 access, you can create an API key which you can add to your environment variables by copying the .env.example, renaming it to .env and adding the key to the YOUTUBE_API_KEY variable.

After that restart your server to enable the YouTube API access on your server.

Firebase Config (user authentication)

This project uses Firebase for authentication. This is used for user login, account management, subscriptions, and handling some features like room locking/permanence.

To set up, create a new Firebase app (or reuse an old one) from here. After creating an application, click on the settings cog icon in the left menu next to "Project overview" and click on project settings. From there, scroll down, create a web application and copy the Firebase SDK configuration snippet JSON data.

Next, you have to stringify it: JSON.stringify(PASTE_CONFIG_HERE) in your browser console, then add it to VITE_FIREBASE_CONFIG in your .env file.

For server verification of accounts you'll also need FIREBASE_ADMIN_SDK_CONFIG, which you should do the same steps for.

Virtual Browser Setup

This project supports creating virtual browsers (using either on a cloud provider or with Docker containers. For development, Docker is easiest.

Room Persistence
