Uncle Bob's famous Clean Architecture is a way to write resilient software.
Resilient software is divided into layers, underpinned by business logic and is independent of technologies. It should be:
In practice, choice of technology should be the last decision you make or code you write (e.g. database, platform, framework).
By following clean architecture, you can write software today that can be easily switched out for different technologies in the future.
This is an example of a simple CRUD application with layered software and separation of business logic vs technology.
It is a simple API for creating students
and teachers
and includes validation, persistence and UI. It includes examples using different interfaces (CLI and Web), databases (in memory, MongoDB), and libraries (validation).
Note: this application is different to the Clean Architecture diagram above but attempts to achieve the same outcome.
The application is separated into three layers. Inner layers cannot depend on outer layers and outer layers should only depend one layer in:
============= INNER LAYER =====================================================================
models // create new entity by validating payload and returning new read only object
L student
L index.js // dependency inject schema/ validation library
L index.test.js // tests makeStudent()
L student.js // simple model takes info, validates and returns read only object
L student-schema.js // student validation schema
L teacher
L index.js
L teacher.js
L teacher-schema.js
L validator // wrapper around JOI validation library
L index.js // consistent API if ever to switch out a new validation library
L index.test.js // tests for validation schema for all models
db // db connection and adapter
L memory // in memory JSON
L students.js
L teachers.js
L mongodb // mongodb alternative
L connection.js // connection library
L seeds // seed library
L students-seeds.js // async seed students db
L models
L student.js // models specific to mongodb. this is different to our business logic models which handle tests and validation
============= MIDDLE LAYER =====================================================================
data-access // think of it as our internal ORM (logic for our use-cases lies here)
L students-db
L index.js // other controllers and drivers rely on this API (findStudent, listStudents, addStudent)
L memory // in memory
L index.js // expose the memory implementation of findStudent, listStudents, addStudents
L serializer.js // serializes to DB specific properties (e.g. serial > id, year > grade)
L mongodb // mongodb ORM
L index.js // uses mongoose implementation of findStudent, listStudents, dropAll etc.
L serializer.js // serializes _id to id
L postgresql // TODO: Illustrative
L airtable // TODO: Illustrative
L teachers-db // per students-db above
============= OUTER LAYER =====================================================================
L cli // cli driver depends on data-access students-db
L webserver // express web-server
L routes
L index.js // routes paths
L students.js // requires our data-access students-db
L teachers.js // per above
L server.js
In practice, we can defer technology decisions by writing our application in the following order:
Our model is a simple factory function that validates a payload (dependency injected validator) and returns a new object with getters.
// models/student/student.js
let buildMakeStudent = function(studentValidator) {
return ({
prefect = false
} = {}) => {
let {error} = studentValidator({name, age, grade, prefect})
if (error) throw new Error(error)
return {
getName: () => name,
getAge: () => age,
getGrade: () => grade,
isPrefect: () => prefect
module.exports = buildMakeStudent
While the model schema is dependent on a validation library and breaks the Clean rules, I find it easier to understand the model by having the schema inside the model. (Note: see the repo for an example of how the validator could be separated into its own software entity).
// models/student/student-schema.js
let Joi = require('joi')
module.exports = Joi.object().keys({
name: Joi.string().required().error(() => 'must have name as string'),
age: Joi.number().error(() => 'age must be a number'),
grade: Joi.number().error(() => 'grade must be a number'),
prefect: Joi.boolean().error(() => 'prefect must be a boolean')
We then dependency inject the validation library into the model. Note we use a wrapper for the validation library to make it easier to switch out libraries in future.
// models/student/index.js
let buildMakeStudent = require('./student')
let studentSchema = require('./student-schema')
let studentValidator = require('../validator/')(studentSchema)
let makeStudent = buildMakeStudent(studentValidator)
module.exports = makeStudent
Write two sets of unit tests for our model. First testing the validation library for valid vs invalid payloads and relevant error messages. And second testing the creation and read only of the model entity.
// models/validator/index.test.js
[] validates name:string:required, grade:number, age:number, prefect:boolean
[] returns error messages if invalid
[] validates name:string:required, subject:string, tenure:boolean
[] returns error messages if invalid
// models/student/index.test.js
[] throws error if invalid payload
[] must have name
[] can have grade
[] can have age
[] sets prefect to false by default
The data-access layer is one of the most important. We should feel confident to easily replace DBs.
Here we need three key components
Start with how we think the outer layers will communicate with the data-access layer and what they should expect to get.
// data-access/students-db/index.test.js
// example test spec
- listStudents() lists students
- findStudent() find single student by id
- findStudentsBy() finds all students by property
- addStudent() inserts a student
- throws error if student payload invalid
- deleteStudent() deletes a student
- dropAll() drops students database
Write a serializer which adapts the custom DB schema with our model schema.
// data-access/students-db/mongodb/serializer.js
// e.g. mongodb stores property id as _id
const _serializeSingle = (student) => {
return {
'id': student._id,
'grade': student.grade,
'name': student.name,
'age': student.age,
'prefect': student.prefect
const serializer = (data) => {
if (!data) {
return null
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
return data.map(_serializeSingle)
return _serializeSingle(data)
module.exports = serializer
Write custom DB implementation of the test spec API. Here is an example of an in-memory implementation (which you should start with) and a MongoDB version. Note: the advantage of writing a test spec is you can focus on simply writing code that just has to work.
// data-access/students-db/memory/index.js
let STUDENTS = require('../../../db/memory/students') // DB
let makeStudent = require('../../../models/student/index') // model
let serialize = require('./serializer') // serializer custom to db
let listStudents = () => {
return Promise.resolve(serialize(STUDENTS))
let findStudent = (prop, val) => {
if (prop === 'id') { prop = 'serial' }
let student = STUDENTS.find(student => student[prop] == val)
return Promise.resolve(serialize(student))
let findStudentsBy = (prop, val) => {
let student = STUDENTS.filter(student => student[prop] == val)
return Promise.resolve(serialize(student))
let addStudent = (studentInfo) => {
let student = makeStudent(studentInfo)
let newStudent = {
serial: STUDENTS.length + 1,
year: student.getGrade(),
name: student.getName(),
age: student.getAge(),
prefect: student.isPrefect()
return findStudent('serial', newStudent.serial)
let deleteStudent = (id) => {
return findStudent({id})
.then(student => {
if (student.id == id) {
STUDENTS = STUDENTS.filter(student => student.serial != id)
return {
status: 'success'
return {
status: 'fail'
let dropAll = () => {
return STUDENTS;
module.exports = {
Note for our MongoDB data-access implementation we depend on the DB from the inner layer. The DB includes MongoDB specific implementation of the model and DB connection.
We write a dropAll function for the purposes of writing a test spec that can be used across any DB choice. E.g. beforeEach test we would drop the DB and seed items for testing.
// data-access/students-db/mongod/index.js
let Student = require('../../../db/mongodb/models/student')
let makeStudent = require('../../../models/student/index') // model
let serialize = require('./serializer') // serializer custom to db
let listStudents = () => {
return Student.find({})
let findStudent = (prop, val) => {
if (prop === 'id') {
prop = '_id'
return Student.find({[prop]: val})
.then(resp => {
return serialize(resp[0])
let findStudentsBy = (prop, val) => {
return Student.find({[prop]: val})
let addStudent = (studentInfo) => {
let student = makeStudent(studentInfo)
let newStudent = {
name: student.getName(),
grade: student.getGrade(),
age: student.getAge(),
prefect: student.isPrefect()
return Student.create(newStudent)
let deleteStudent = (id) => {
return Student.findByIdAndDelete(id)
.then(resp => {
return {
id: resp._id.toString(),
status: 'success'
.catch(err => {
return {
status: 'fail'
let dropAll = () => {
return Student.remove()
module.exports = {
Finally we write our drivers whose only dependency is our data-access layer. The drivers should not communicate directly with the model or db.
Any changes to the inner layer will cascade up and as a result there should be less testing done on the outer layers. E.g. if we were to test changes to the model schema in the driver layer we would need to rewrite our tests here as well.
L cli
L index.js
L webserver // express webserver
L routes
L index.js
L students.js // depends on students data-access layer
L teachers.js // depends on teachers data-access layer
L server.js // depends on routes