hoxfon / react-native-twilio-programmable-voice

React Native wrapper for Twilio Programmable Voice SDK
MIT License
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( IOS )Accepting call through Callkit screen opens my application sends the Call Screen ( Callkit ) in the background while app is in the foreground? #185

Closed salman-pixarsart closed 3 years ago

salman-pixarsart commented 3 years ago

As soon as I pick up a call. The call gets accepted but in the meanwhile, my app opens in the foreground, and the Call screen ( CallKit ) moves to the background. Further move tapping on the call in progress notification takes me back to the app. After accepting the call user shouldn't be the route to the app. It should be taking me to the Call Screen of Callkit.

Call Screen IOS SS

If User taps on the Topbar ( Red line as shown in the Attached image ) It takes the user back to the app which shouldn't be happening

What version of React Native are you running? 0.63.3

What version of react-native-twilio-programmable-voice are you running? 4.3.0

What device are you using? (e.g iOS10 simulator, Android 7 device)? IOS 14.2 - Iphone 7 plus

Is your app running in foreground, background or not running? Not Running.

Is there any relevant message in the log?

If using iOS, which pod version are you using? 5.2.0

Advanced: Have you tried adding breakpoint using AndroidStudio or XCode and analyze the logs? Not needed

can share a project with the issue? It's a closed source project.

Did you try to reinstall the pods completely? Yes, I tried to reinstall the pods completely.