hoxfon / react-native-twilio-programmable-voice

React Native wrapper for Twilio Programmable Voice SDK
MIT License
182 stars 153 forks source link
react-native twilio twilio-voice


This is a react-native wrapper around Twilio Programmable Voice SDK, which allows your react-native app to make and receive calls.

This module is not affiliated with nor officially maintained by Twilio. It is maintained by open source contributors working during their nights and weekends.

Tested with:


Project 1

The most updated branch is feat/twilio-android-sdk-5 which is aligned with:

It contains breaking changes from react-native-twilio-programmable-voice v4, and it will be released as v5.

You can install it with:

# Yarn
yarn add https://github.com/hoxfon/react-native-twilio-programmable-voice#feat/twilio-android-sdk-5

npm install git+https://github.com/hoxfon/react-native-twilio-programmable-voice#feat/twilio-android-sdk-5

I am currently updating the library to catchup with all changes published on the latest Android and iOS Twilio Voice SDK:

iOS changelog Android changelog

My plan is to use the following links as a reference, and follow Twilio commit by commit.

If you want to contribute please consider helping on this project. Click here for more information.

Project 2

Allow Android to use the built in Android telephony service to make and receive calls.

Stable release

Twilio Programmable Voice SDK

Breaking changes in v4.0.0

The module implements react-native autolinking as many other native libraries > react-native 0.60.0, therefore it doesn't need to be linked manually.

Android: update Firebase Messaging to 17.6.+. Remove the following block from your application's AndroidManifest.xml if you are migrating from v3.

    <!-- [START instanceId_listener] -->
            <action android:name="com.google.android.gms.iid.InstanceID" />
    <!-- [END instanceId_listener] -->

Android X is supported.

Data passed to the event deviceDidReceiveIncoming does not contain the key call_state, because state of Call Invites was removed in Twilio Android and iOS SDK v3.0.0

New features

Twilio Programmable Voice SDK v3.0.0 handles call invites directly and makes it easy to distinguish a call invites from an active call, which previously was confusing. To ensure that an active call is displayed when the app comes to foreground you should use the promise getActiveCall(). To ensure that a call invite is displayed when the app comes to foreground use the promise getCallInvite(). Please note that call invites don't have a call_state field.

You should use hold() to put a call on hold.

You can be notified when a call is ringing by listening for callStateRinging events.

iOS application can now receive the following events, that in v3 where only dispatched to Android:

Breaking changes in v3.0.0


Before starting, we recommend you get familiar with Twilio Programmable Voice SDK. It's easier to integrate this module into your react-native app if you follow the Quick start tutorial from Twilio, because it makes very clear which setup steps are required.

npm install react-native-twilio-programmable-voice --save

CLI autolink feature links the module while building the app.

react-native link react-native-twilio-programmable-voice

iOS Installation

If you can't or don't want to use autolink, you can also manually link the library using the instructions below (click on the arrow to show them):

Manually link the library on iOS Follow the [instructions in the React Native documentation](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/linking-libraries-ios#manual-linking) to manually link the framework After you have linked the library with `react-native link react-native-twilio-programmable-voice` check that `libRNTwilioVoice.a` is present under YOUR_TARGET > Build Phases > Link Binaries With Libraries. If it is not present you can add it using the + sign at the bottom of that list.
cd ios && pod install


The iOS library works through CallKit and handling calls is much simpler than the Android implementation as CallKit handles the inbound calls answering, ignoring, or rejecting. Outbound calls must be controlled by custom React-Native screens and controls.

To pass caller's name to CallKit via Voip push notification add custom parameter 'CallerName' to Twilio Dial verb.

        <Parameter name="CallerName">NAME TO DISPLAY</Parameter>

VoIP Service Certificate

Twilio Programmable Voice for iOS utilizes Apple's VoIP Services and VoIP "Push Notifications" instead of FCM. You will need a VoIP Service Certificate from Apple to receive calls. Follow the official Twilio instructions to complete this step.

Android Installation

Setup FCM

You must download the file google-services.json from the Firebase console. It contains keys and settings for all your applications under Firebase. This library obtains the resource senderID for registering for remote GCM from that file.


buildscript {
    dependencies {
        // override the google-service version if needed
        // https://developers.google.com/android/guides/google-services-plugin
        classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.3.4'

// this plugin looks for google-services.json in your project
apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'


    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />

    <application ....>
        <!-- Twilio Voice -->
        <!-- [START fcm_listener] -->
                <action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT" />
        <!-- [END fcm_listener] -->

If you can't or don't want to use autolink, you can also manually link the library using the instructions below (click on the arrow to show them):

Manually link the library on Android Make the following changes: #### `android/settings.gradle` ```groovy include ':react-native-twilio-programmable-voice' project(':react-native-twilio-programmable-voice').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-twilio-programmable-voice/android') ``` #### `android/app/build.gradle` ```groovy dependencies { implementation project(':react-native-twilio-programmable-voice') } ``` #### `android/app/src/main/.../MainApplication.java` On top, where imports are: ```java import com.hoxfon.react.RNTwilioVoice.TwilioVoicePackage; // <--- Import Package ``` Add the `TwilioVoicePackage` class to your list of exported packages. ```java @Override protected List getPackages() { return Arrays.asList( new MainReactPackage(), new TwilioVoicePackage() // <---- Add the package // new TwilioVoicePackage(false) // <---- pass false if you don't want to ask for microphone permissions ); } ```


import TwilioVoice from 'react-native-twilio-programmable-voice'

// ...

// initialize the Programmable Voice SDK passing an access token obtained from the server.
// Listen to deviceReady and deviceNotReady events to see whether the initialization succeeded.
async function initTelephony() {
    try {
        const accessToken = await getAccessTokenFromServer()
        const success = await TwilioVoice.initWithToken(accessToken)
    } catch (err) {

function initTelephonyWithToken(token) {

    // iOS only, configure CallKit
    try {
            appName:       'TwilioVoiceExample',                  // Required param
            imageName:     'my_image_name_in_bundle',             // OPTIONAL
            ringtoneSound: 'my_ringtone_sound_filename_in_bundle' // OPTIONAL
    } catch (err) {


// add listeners (flowtype notation)
TwilioVoice.addEventListener('deviceReady', function() {
    // no data
TwilioVoice.addEventListener('deviceNotReady', function(data) {
    // {
    //     err: string
    // }
TwilioVoice.addEventListener('connectionDidConnect', function(data) {
    // {
    //     call_sid: string,  // Twilio call sid
    //     call_from: string, // "+441234567890"
    //     call_to: string,   // "client:bob"
    // }
TwilioVoice.addEventListener('connectionIsReconnecting', function(data) {
    // {
    //     call_sid: string,  // Twilio call sid
    //     call_from: string, // "+441234567890"
    //     call_to: string,   // "client:bob"
    // }
TwilioVoice.addEventListener('connectionDidReconnect', function(data) {
    // {
    //     call_sid: string,  // Twilio call sid
    //     call_from: string, // "+441234567890"
    //     call_to: string,   // "client:bob"
    // }
TwilioVoice.addEventListener('connectionDidDisconnect', function(data: mixed) {
    //   | null
    //   | {
    //       err: string
    //     }
    //   | {
    //         call_sid: string,  // Twilio call sid
    //         call_state: 'CONNECTED' | 'ACCEPTED' | 'CONNECTING' | 'RINGING' | 'DISCONNECTED' | 'CANCELLED',
    //         call_from: string, // "+441234567890"
    //         call_to: string,   // "client:bob"
    //         err?: string,
    //     }
TwilioVoice.addEventListener('callStateRinging', function(data: mixed) {
    //   {
    //       call_sid: string,  // Twilio call sid
    //       call_from: string, // "+441234567890"
    //       call_to: string,   // "client:bob"
    //   }
TwilioVoice.addEventListener('callInviteCancelled', function(data: mixed) {
    //   {
    //       call_sid: string,  // Twilio call sid
    //       call_from: string, // "+441234567890"
    //       call_to: string,   // "client:bob"
    //   }

// iOS Only
TwilioVoice.addEventListener('callRejected', function(value: 'callRejected') {})

TwilioVoice.addEventListener('deviceDidReceiveIncoming', function(data) {
    // {
    //     call_sid: string,  // Twilio call sid
    //     call_from: string, // "+441234567890"
    //     call_to: string,   // "client:bob"
    // }

// Android Only
TwilioVoice.addEventListener('proximity', function(data) {
    // {
    //     isNear: boolean
    // }

// Android Only
TwilioVoice.addEventListener('wiredHeadset', function(data) {
    // {
    //     isPlugged: boolean,
    //     hasMic: boolean,
    //     deviceName: string
    // }

// ...

// start a call
TwilioVoice.connect({To: '+61234567890'})

// hangup

// accept an incoming call (Android only, in iOS CallKit provides the UI for this)

// reject an incoming call (Android only, in iOS CallKit provides the UI for this)

// ignore an incoming call (Android only)

// mute or un-mute the call
// mutedValue must be a boolean

// put a call on hold

// send digits

// Ensure that an active call is displayed when the app comes to foreground
    .then(activeCall => {
        if (activeCall){

// Ensure that call invites are displayed when the app comes to foreground
    .then(callInvite => {
        if (callInvite){

// Unregister device with Twilio (iOS only)

Help wanted

There is no need to ask permissions to contribute. Just open an issue or provide a PR. Everybody is welcome to contribute.

ReactNative success is directly linked to its module ecosystem. One way to make an impact is helping contributing to this module or another of the many community lead ones.

help wanted

Twilio Voice SDK reference

iOS changelog Android changelog




