hpcc-systems / HPCC-For-AWS

Apache License 2.0
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This repo is about how to setup Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Elastic FileSystem (EFS) Conatainer Storage Interface (CSI) driver and deploy HPCC Systems Cluster. Assume everthing is on a Linux System. It should be similar to setup on Mac OS and Windows


IAM Permissions

Current configuration will assume you have an IAM user. We will update for federated credential without IAM user later The IAM user requires certain policies and roles for this exercise. See above link for more details

EFS Server

To setup a EFS server following this link https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/tutorials/create-network-file-system/?pg=ln&sec=hs The document of "EFS CSI Driver" also mentions who to create a EFS server with AWS CLI.

It is very important what the subnets of EFS server must be the super set of the subnets of Kubernete cluster (of couse will be in the saqme region). Otherwise the communication will be trementous slow.


EKS directory include instruction of how to deploy EKS cluster.

EFS CSI Driver

We will cover how to prepare and install EFS CSI Driver and EFS Storage Class

HPCC Systems Cloud Deployment

Make sure you have done for

Get HPCC-Platform repo or Add HPCC Helm repo

git clone https://github.com/hpcc-systems/HPCC-Platform.git cd to HPCC-Platform and checkout the proper branch or tag. For example,

git checkout tags/community_8.8.4-1

Deploy EFS Storage

Following storage deployment lifecycle is kubernetes cluster. As long as storage is keeping deployed and Kubernetes is up the PV/PVC are there.

make sure aws-efs storage class deployed:

kubectl get sc
aws-efs         efs.csi.aws.com         Delete          Immediate              false                  29h
gp2 (default)   kubernetes.io/aws-ebs   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  37h

Currently helm/example/efs is broken due the expired old EFS CSI Provider We do provide a fix in this repo: EFS-CSI cd to EFS-CCI directory

cd to helm/ and run

helm install awsstorage ./hpcc-efs
#helm install awsstorage examples/efs/hpcc-efs
kubectl get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                                        STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
pvc-08469c4d-bb33-4735-a172-befbc0f63211   1Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/dali-awsstorage-hpcc-efs-pvc         aws-efs                 29h
pvc-43d81313-3d41-4184-9ce5-05432e6875c6   1Gi        RWX            Delete           Bound    default/mydropzone-awsstorage-hpcc-efs-pvc   aws-efs                 29h
pvc-77a230a0-08e2-4248-9b6b-a15aa1169da6   1Gi        RWX            Delete           Bound    default/dll-awsstorage-hpcc-efs-pvc          aws-efs                 29h
pvc-7b816b62-1e98-4776-b7b7-bf5cd0738e55   1Gi        RWX            Delete           Bound    default/sasha-awsstorage-hpcc-efs-pvc        aws-efs                 29h
pvc-7df36454-4ea6-4578-af35-5457d3f98205   3Gi        RWX            Delete           Bound    default/data-awsstorage-hpcc-efs-pvc         aws-efs                 29h

kubectl get pvc
NAME                                 STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
dali-awsstorage-hpcc-efs-pvc         Bound    pvc-08469c4d-bb33-4735-a172-befbc0f63211   1Gi        RWO            aws-efs        29h
data-awsstorage-hpcc-efs-pvc         Bound    pvc-7df36454-4ea6-4578-af35-5457d3f98205   3Gi        RWX            aws-efs        29h
dll-awsstorage-hpcc-efs-pvc          Bound    pvc-77a230a0-08e2-4248-9b6b-a15aa1169da6   1Gi        RWX            aws-efs        29h
mydropzone-awsstorage-hpcc-efs-pvc   Bound    pvc-43d81313-3d41-4184-9ce5-05432e6875c6   1Gi        RWX            aws-efs        29h
sasha-awsstorage-hpcc-efs-pvc        Bound    pvc-7b816b62-1e98-4776-b7b7-bf5cd0738e55   1Gi        RWX            aws-efs        29h

Deploy HPCC Systems Cluster

Make sure awsstorage is deployed. Deploy HPCC Systems cluster as usual In helm directory run

helm install <hpcc cluster name> ./hpcc --set global.image.version=<version> -f examples/efs/values-retained-efs.yaml

For example,

helm install myhpcc ./hpcc --set global.image.version=8.8.4 -f examples/efs/values-retained-efs.yaml

There is also possible to deploy HPCC Systems with auto EFS storage, i.e. without deploying awsstorage storage. In this case the PV/PVC has life-cycle of HPCC Systems cluster instead of awsstorage storage or Kubernetes cluster.

helm install myhpcc ./hpcc --set global.image.version=8.8.4 -f examples/efs/values-auto-efs.yaml


To do