hpenney2 / CatLamp

CatLamp, the all-in-one Discord bot.
MIT License
5 stars 1 forks source link

CatLamp has been discontinued, there will no longer be regular development.


CatLamp, the all-in-one Discord bot.

Getting the bot running

  1. Preferably, but not necessary, be running an Ubuntu system.
  2. Run python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. (Only if on an Ubuntu server) Run sudo apt update, then sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-glx.
  4. (Only if on an Ubuntu server) Run sudo apt-get install gcc python3-dev (C compiler, needed for some PyPi packages like statcord.py)
  5. Set up a config.json file in the repository root with the format below or run gen_config.py.
  6. Follow the Setting up MongoDB guide below.
  7. Start the bot with python3 CatLampPY.py.

Setting up MongoDB

The bot will NOT run without MongoDB being properly installed. Follow the intructions in the MongoDB documentation to install MongoDB.
After installing, make sure MongoDB is running before starting the bot. If you have an old reminders.json file, run remindersJSONtoMongo.py to convert it to MongoDB.

If you're on Ubuntu, you can have MongoDB start up with your system with the command sudo systemctl enable mongod.service.

If you're on Windows, MongoDB should automatically start up with your system, however if it does not, you can make it by starting services.msc from the Run dialog (press Win + R), finding the MongoDB Server service, then changing its startup type to Automatic.

config.json format (subject to change)

You can either copy the format below (recommended) or run the included gen_config.py file included. Optional keys are noted in parentheses, however make sure to remove the parentheses from the actual JSON file.

    "token": "bot_token_here",
    "githubUser": "github_username_here",
    "githubPAT": "github_personal_access_token_here",
    "redditCID": "client_id_here",
    "redditSecret": "client_secret_here",
    (OPTIONAL) "dblToken": "DBL_token_here",
    (OPTIONAL) "statcordKey": "statcord_api_key_here"

githubPAT can be your password or a personal access token generated in settings (that has the repo scope).