hpi-schul-cloud / superhero-dashboard

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
7 stars 0 forks source link


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  1. Clone directory into local folder
  2. Go into the cloned folder and enter npm install
  3. Install nodemon and gulp globally by entering npm install -g nodemon gulp


  1. Start the schul-cloud server
    • Note: maybe you need to pull the Redis Docker image, start the container and set the REDIS_URI environment variable in the schul-cloud server
  2. Go into superhero project folder
  3. run gulp watch to run gulp
  4. run npm run watch to boot the application OR use npm run debug to run with --inspect:9311 to debug the application on port 9311
  5. go to http://localhost:3033
  6. you need a user with superhero role to login, maybe you need to modify your database to add this role to a user of your choice


Add Themes to /theme directory. Call gulp and node with SC_THEME set to name of directory. then clear build files and gulp cache with gulp clear


run set SC_THEME={themeName} without spaces around the equal sign!

Environment Variables

How to name your branch

  1. Take the last part of the url of your Trello ticket (e.g. "8-setup-feathers-js")
  2. Name the branch after the Trello id (e.g. "8-setup-feathers-js")


Default branch: master

  1. Go into project folder
  2. Run the tests (see above)
  3. Commit with a meanigful commit message(!) even at 4 a.m. and not stuff like "dfsdfsf"
  4. Checkout to master branch
  5. Run git pull
  6. Checkout to the branch you want to upload
  7. run git rebase -p develop (not git merge!) and solve merge conflicts if needed
  8. run git push



To build a default container image run the following code:

make build

To customize the build process set some environment variables (details see Makefile). For example set DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG to build a custom image tag:

make build DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG="foo/bar:latest"


To push a previously built default container image run the following code:

make push

Todo: Currently private credentials (username, password) will be used for docker login (see ~/.docker/config.json). This should be made configurable later for CI pipelines.

To customize the push process set some environment variables (details see Makefile). For example set DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG to push a custom image tag:

make push DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG="foo/bar:latest"