hpi-swa-teaching / AcceptIt

SWT 2018 Group 12
MIT License
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  1. Make sure you have metacello-work installed in your image.

  2. Follow the following Guide for the git repo setup If you follow the guide there is no need for Step 3.

  3. AcceptIt can be acquired by running following code in the workspace:

Metacello new
  baseline: 'AcceptIt';
  repository: 'github://hpi-swa-teaching/AcceptIt:develop/packages';


  1. Choose a class to test like for example "MySickCalculator".

  2. Create a user story by running the following code in the workspace:

    ACCEPTIT createUserStory:
    As a enthusiastic Squeak developer
    I want to add Integers
    In order to calculate sums.'
    withCategory: 'Sick-Calculator-Tests'
  3. Create a library like this:

    ACLibrary subclass: #MySickACLibrary
    instanceVariableNames: 'result'
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: 'Sick-Calculator-Tests'
  4. Add a libraries method on class side to your user story class and make it return the class of it's library

  1. write the test scenario in your user story
    Add 1 and 1

Given my sick calculator When I add 1 and 1 Then I expect the result to be 2

Now we Mock the functionality of our calculator because it doesn't actually exist.

6. Add needed methods to the library like
(given) my sick calculator
(when) I add :anInt and :anotherInt
    result := anInt + anotherInt.
(then) I expect the result to be :anInteger
    self assert: anInteger equals: result.
  1. To test our new Story run the Test-Runner

    ACTestRunner open
  2. Browse and edit created user stories and scenarios in the ACBrowser

    ACBrowser open
alt text


  1. All Libraries have to end with ACLibrary and all UserStories have to end with ACStory. Otherwise everything will work fine but you will not be able to commit your stories with Squot.

For further acceptance test examples check out our acceptit-Acceptance-Test package for tests testing acceptit.


Watch Demovideo here: https://youtu.be/BvTDBnQaMbs

Development and Progress

For an update on the project state and the progress we made check out our project documentation

Further documentation

For further project documentation and more details check out our wiki