hpi-swa-teaching / SWT18-Project-06

A series of small coding challenges to teach the Morphic UI-Framework
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morphic smalltalk squeak tutorial

Interactive Morphic Tutorial Build Status Coverage Status

The Interactive Morphic Tutorial is a series of small coding challenges to teach you how to work with the morphic UI-Framework. Lessons include:

  1. Basic morph creation and manipulation
  2. Image loading and displaying
  3. Events and stepping
  4. PolygonMorphs

Supported plattforms

Installation Instructions

For easy installation, we recommend, you first install Metacello.

Then run:

Metacello new
    baseline: 'MorphicTutorial';
    repository: 'github://hpi-swa-teaching/SWT18-Project-06:master/packages';

To open the tutorial, open the "Apps" drawer and click "Morphic Tutorial"

Build status

Master: Build StatusCoverage Status

Develop: Build StatusCoverage Status