hpsaturn / crypto-panel

LilyGo EDP47 ESP32 - Crypto Currency News and Tracker
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 1 forks source link
arduino bitcoin cryptocurrency esp32 ethereum

PlatformIO ViewCount Liberapay Status

Crypto Panel

LilyGo EDP47 ESP32 cryptocurrency panel, News and Tracker.



Firmware install

You able to install this firmware on only one click, without compiling nothing only using this Web installer. Also you can follow the next video guide or follow the instruccions on the Hackaday project page that using this web installer.

Panel config

After the boot or first restart, please enter via serial console or terminal and please configure your settings, at least one WiFi network and 3 currencies. Type help and you should able to have the next menu:

ESP32WifiCLI Usage:

setSSID "YOUR SSID"   set the SSID into quotes
setPASW "YOUR PASW"   set the password into quotes
connect               save and connect to the network
list                  list all saved networks
select <number>       select the default AP (default: last saved)
mode <single/multi>   connection mode. Multi AP is a little slow
scan                  scan for available networks
status                print the current WiFi status
disconnect            disconnect from the network
delete "SSID"         remove saved network
help                  print this help

Crypto Panel Commands:

curAdd <crypto>       add one cryptocurrency
curList               list current saved cryptocurrencies
curDrop <crypto>      delete one cryptocurrency
setBase <base>        set base currency (USD/EUR)
setSleep <time>       config deep sleep time in minutes
setTemp <temperature> config the panel ambient temperature
reboot                perform a soft ESP32 reboot
help                  display this help menu

Please visit the project page in Hackaday for complete details.


Firmware build

Please install first PlatformIO open source ecosystem for IoT development compatible with Arduino IDE and its command line tools (Windows, MacOs and Linux). Also, you may need to install git in your system.

pio run --target upload


Crypto panel



20230827 rev160

Multiple changes from rev150
  - disable OTA update (Only FOTA)
  - removed old NTP client library instead ESP32 internal client
  - reduced pem chain to only two certs
  - v0.1.3 Full URL support. Cuttpy API issues fixed
  - Espressif32 v6.3.2 support
  - freezes and updated core libraries (EPDIY, FOTA, NTP libs)
  - feature added: wakeup and setup via right button
  - new CLI settings: setSleep, setTemp and setBase

20220713 rev153

Easy firmware installer via Browser
  - added silent call for reduce verbose on serial
  - added web installer section and updated documentation
  - refactor load variables and delays on epdiy

20220713 rev150

Changed panel config via CLI
  - Added ESP32WifiCLI library
  - extended CLI to have a currencies configuration

20211106 rev145

Added new News API and QR payload:

  - News API migrated to real server 
  - fix battery icon issue when is charging on USB 
  - first version with API for get QR link of news
  - added reboot method and improved global config
  - many memory improvements on QR allocation

20210926 rev100

Added WDT, status queue msg, improved UI:

  - Fast main update on each partial refresh
  - Columns aligned to RIGHT
  - New error msgs on WiFi lost and API fails
  - Final msg on status bar is joined with data render
  - Battery level improvements for USB/Battery modes

20210925 rev089

Added OTA updates (local and remote)

  - Python tool for deployment via PlatformIO
  - Improved OTAHandler from CanAir.IO project
  - Added UI feedback when new OTA is arrived

20210924 rev076

Migration from LilyGo forked library to vroland/epdiy repo

  - works fine with USB, with battery sometimes fails
  - added ntpdate clock sync for show the last time update
  - added missing fonts. Improved static fields refresh
  - added UI tools from github.com/hacksics/lilygo-t5-47-ha
  - working again all with new driver, ~20 seg on init

20210922 rev039 (First version)

Added support to PlatformIO and improved code.

  - improved speed adding a RTOS task for eINK static tasks
  - refactored and improved PlatformIO ini file with heredity
  - added a basic wifi manager from CanAir.IO project
  - added battery level and reset detection for full refresh
  - deep sleep improvement with full refresh after x boots
  - Original code: https://github.com/techiesms/  
