hputnam / project_juvenile_geoduck_OA

This repository provides data and scripts to analyze the influence of ocean acidification on juvenile geoduck DNA methylation and phenotype.
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Relatedness matrix for day 10 and day 0 groups #13

Closed seanb80 closed 7 years ago

seanb80 commented 7 years ago

Would it be appropriate to use relatedness data derived from the larger comparison (Day 0, 10, and 135) for the day 10 analysis, or should I recalculate the relatedness matrix using just Day 10 samples.

I believe the Fst values are calculated using row and column marginals, so more data is better, but I don't know if additional samples being included would affect things.

hputnam commented 7 years ago

I think they will have to be recalculated, as the samples were consumed at each time point and may not represent those selected at the next point.