hputnam / project_juvenile_geoduck_OA

This repository provides data and scripts to analyze the influence of ocean acidification on juvenile geoduck DNA methylation and phenotype.
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Day 10 CpG Methylation File Clarification #18

Open sr320 opened 7 years ago

sr320 commented 7 years ago

For Day 10 bedgraphs.. http://owl.fish.washington.edu/scaphapoda/Sean/Geoduck_Analysis/Day10_bedgraphs/

Why are line number different if loci are common?


sr320 commented 7 years ago

via Sean


sr320 commented 7 years ago

Can these be modified to cover C instead of G ?


sr320 commented 7 years ago

Actually this might be correct


There is something about the strandedness I cannot wrap my head around..

sr320 commented 7 years ago

Also, is there a coverage limitation placed on these?