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Subwrap -- an enhanced +svn+ command

What is it?

This is a replacement svn command-line client meant to be used instead of the standard svn command. (Actually, it's a wrapper, not a strict replacement, because it still uses /usr/bin/svn to do all the dirty work.)

Who is it for?

Anyone who feels like the standard svn command is missing some features and wants a slightly more powerful command-line svn tool...

Anyone who wants to hack/extend the svn command but is afraid to/too lazy to mess with the actual C source code...




sudo gem install subwrap --include-dependencies

Tjijjihe command will now be available immediately by typing subwrap instead of svn.

If you'd like to actually replace the standard svn command (that is, if you'd like to be able to run it simply by typing svn), then you you will also need to run sudo _subwrap_post_install, which will attempt to do the following (or you can do this manually):

(Linux only) Make the svn wrapper command executable:

sudo chmod a+x /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/subwrap*/bin/*

(Why can't we just set executables = "svn" in the gemspec and have it automatically install it to /usr/bin? Because that would cause it to wipe out the existing executable at /usr/bin/svn! If you know of a better, more automatic solution to this, please let me know!)

Check to see if it's working

You'll know it's working by way of two signs:


Changes to existing subcommands:

(* You can pass --no-color to disable colors for a single command...useful if you want to pipe the output to another command or something. Eventually maybe we could make this a per-user option via .subwrap?)

New subcommands:

(RDoc question: how do I make the identifiers like Subversion::SvnCommand#externalize into links??)

Usage / Examples

svn each_unadded

This command is useful for keeping your working copies clean -- getting rid of all those accumulated temp files (or ignoring or adding them if they're something that all users of this repository should be aware of).

It simply goes through each "unadded" file (each file reporting a status of ?) reported by svn status and asks you what you want to do with them -- add, delete, or ignore.

svn each_unadded

What do you want to do with plugins/database_log4r/doc? (shows preview) (a)dd, (d)elete, add to svn:(i)ignore property, or [Enter] to do nothing > i Ignoring...

What do you want to do with applications/underlord/db/schema.rb? (shows preview) (a)dd, (d)elete, add to svn:(i)ignore property, or [Enter] to do nothing > a Adding...

What do you want to do with applications/underlord/vendor/plugins/exception_notification? (shows preview) (a)dd, (d)elete, add to svn:(i)ignore property, or [Enter] to do nothing > d Are you pretty much SURE you want to 'rm -rf applications/underlord/vendor/plugins/exception_notification'? (y)es, (n)o > y Deleting...

For files, it will show a preview of the contents of that file (limited to the first 55 lines); for directories, it will show a directory listing. By looking at the preview, you should hopefully be able to decide whether you want to keep the file or junk it.

svn whats_new (replacement for svn update)

Whereas svn update only updates (merges) with the latest changes and shows you which files were updated/etc., svn whats_new:

It's a lot like svn browse (and in fact shares most of the same code with it), except it's non-interactive, so you just run it and then sit back and watch all the pretty output -- which is a good thing, because doing a diff for each changeset can take a long time...

Tip: When actively working on a project with lots of frequent committers, I like to keep a separate tab open in my terminal where I periodicaly run svn whats_new:

svn browse (revisions browser)

Lets you interactively browse through all revisions of a file/directory/repository (one at a time). For each revision, it will ask you what you want to do with it (view the changeset, edit revision properties, etc.).

Screenshot: link:include/svn_revisions.png

It's sort of like svn log | less, only it's interactive, it's in color, and it's just plain more useful!

You can step through the revisions using the arrow keys or Enter.

Here are a couple things you might use it for:

Defaults to latest-first, but you can pass it the --forwards flag to browse from the other direction (start at the oldest revision and step forwards through time).

(*The mark-as-reviewed feature requires the modification of your repository's pre-revprop-change hook.)

svn status

Without this gem installed (really long):

? gemables/subversion/ruby_subversion.rb M gemables/subversion M gemables/subversion/lib/subversion.rb A gemables/subversion/bin A gemables/subversion/bin/svn X plugins/database_log4r/tasks/shared X plugins/surveys/doc/template X plugins/surveys/tasks/shared X gemables/dev_scripts/tasks/shared X gemables/dev_scripts/lib/subversion

Performing status on external item at 'plugins/database_log4r/tasks/shared'

Performing status on external item at 'plugins/surveys/tasks/shared'

Performing status on external item at 'gemables/subversion/doc_include/template'

Performing status on external item at 'gemables/dev_scripts/tasks/shared'

Performing status on external item at 'applications/underlord/vendor/plugins/rails_smith' X applications/underlord/vendor/plugins/rails_smith/tasks/shared X applications/underlord/vendor/plugins/rails_smith/lib/subversion X applications/underlord/vendor/plugins/rails_smith/doc_include/template

Performing status on external item at 'applications/underlord/vendor/plugins/rails_smith/tasks/shared' M applications/underlord/vendor/plugins/rails_smith/tasks/shared/base.rake

With this gem installed (much shorter and sweeter):

? gemables/subversion/ruby_subversion.rb M gemables/subversion M gemables/subversion/lib/subversion.rb A gemables/subversion/bin A gemables/subversion/bin/svn M applications/underlord/vendor/plugins/rails_smith/tasks/shared/base.rake

svn externalize / externals / edit_externals

Shortcut for creating an svn:external...

your_project/vendor/ > svn externalize --as svn

Between that and externals / edit_externals, that's all you ever really need! (?)

svn externals /home/tyler/code/plugins/rails_smith/tasks

Oops, I externalled it in the wrong place!

svn edit_externals /home/tyler/code/plugins/rails_smith/tasks


You can also pass a directory name to edit_externals to edit the svn:externals property for that directory:

svn edit-externals vendor/plugins

svn get_message / set_message / edit_message

Pre-requisite for set_message/edit_message: Your repository must have a pre-revprop-change hook file.

Useful if you made a mistake or forgot something in your commit message and want to edit it...

For example, maybe you tried to do a multi-line commit message with -m but it didn't interpret your "\n"s as newline characters. Just run svn edit_message and fix it interactively!

svn get_message -r 2325 is the same as: svn propget -r 2325 --revprop svn:log

If you just committed it and you want to edit the message for the most-recently committed revision ("head"), there is an even quicker way to do it:

You can do this: svn edit_message -r head or just this: svn edit_message

svn ignore

If you want to add '' to the list of ignored files for a directory, be sure to enclose the argument in single quotes (') so that the shell doesn't expand the `` symbol for you.


svn ignore 'tmp/sessions/*'

svn move

You can now do commands like this:

svn mv file1 file2 dir svn mv dir1/* dir

(The standard svn command only accepts a single source and a single destination!)

svn commit

--skip-notification / --covert

Added a --skip-notification / --covert option which (assuming you have your post-commit hook set up to do this), will suppress the sending out of a commit notification e-mail.

This is useful if you're committing large/binary files that would normally cause the commit mailer to hang. (True, the commit mailer script should really be smart enough not to hang in the first place, but let's assume we don't have the luxury of being able to fix it...)

For this option to have any effect, you will need to set up your repository similar to this:


REPOS="$1" REV="$2" USER="$3" PROPNAME="$4" ACTION="$5"

if [ "$ACTION" = "M" -a "$PROPNAME" = "svn:log" ]; then exit 0; fi if [ "$PROPNAME" = "svn:skip_commit_notification_for_next_commit" ]; then exit 0; fi

echo "Changing revision properties other than those listed in $0 is prohibited" >&2 exit 1



REPOS="$1" REV="$2"

previous_revision=expr $REV - 1 skip_commit_notification=svnlook propget $REPOS --revprop svn:skip_commit_notification_for_next_commit -r $previous_revision

if [[ $skip_commit_notification == 'true' ]]; then


else svnnotify \ --repos-path $REPOS \ --revision $REV \ --subject-prefix "[your repository name]" \ --revision-url 'http://code/?rev=%s' \ --to \ --handler HTML::ColorDiff \ --subject-cx \ --with-diff \ --author-url 'mailto:%s' \ --footer "Powered by SVN-Notify" \ --max-diff-length 1000 fi


You can, of course, get a lits of the custom commands that have been added by using svn help. They will be listed at the end.

Global options

Requirement: colordiff

colordiff is used to colorize svn diff commands (+ lines are blue; - lines are red)

Found at:

Suggestion: change the colors in /etc/colordiffrc to be more readable: plain=white newtext=green oldtext=red diffstuff=cyan cvsstuff=magenta

A workaround for the Commit failed; Your file or directory 'some file' is probably out-of-date problem

svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: Your file or directory 'some file' is probably out-of-date svn: The version resource does not correspond to the resource within the transaction. Either the requested version resource is out of date (needs to be updated), or the requested version resource is newer than the transaction root (restart the commit). Sending some file (Doesn't actually finish the commit)

I'm still not sure what causes it (I didn't think I was doing anything that out of the ordinary...) or how to prevent it, because it keep happening to me (maybe I'm the only one?)... but I've at least automated the "fix" for this state somewhat.

The only way I've found to resolve this problem is to delete the entire directory and restore it (with svn update).

It must have something to do with something in the .svn directories not matching up the way that svn expects.

Anyway, the svn fix_out_of_date_commit_state command attempts to automate most of that process for you.

Bash command completion

If you want command completion for the svn subcommands (and I don't blame you if you don't -- the default command completion is much faster and already gives you completion for filenames!), just add this line to your ~/.bashrc :

complete -C /usr/bin/command_completion_for_subwrap -o default svn

It's really rudimentary right now and could be much improved, but at least it's a start.

Support for code reviews, commit notification, and continuous integration systems

The svn revisions command lets you browse through recent changes to a project or directory and then, for each revision that you review, you can simply press R and it will mark that revision as reviewed.

svn commit accepts two custom flags, --skip-notification / --covert (don't send commit notification) and --broken (tell the continuous integration system to expect failure).


Known problems

It doesn't support options that are given in this format: --diff-cmd=colordiff only this format: --diff-cmd colordiff This is a limitation of Console::Command.

Fix: Show the whole thing, including this line: Fetching external item into 'glass/rails_backend/vendor/plugins/our_extensions'

This doesn't work: svn propget svn:skip_commit_notification_for_next_commit --revprop -r 2498 --dry-run In execute(). Was about to execute this command via method :exec: "/usr/bin/svn propget --revprop -r 2498 svn:skip_commit_notification_for_next_commit"

svn propget svn:skip_commit_notification_for_next_commit --revprop -r 2498 svn: Either a URL or versioned item is required

Have to do: svn propget svn:skip_commit_notification_for_next_commit --revprop -r 2498


/usr/bin/svn propget svn:skip_commit_notification_for_next_commit --revprop -r 2498


Is it slower than just running /usr/bin/svn directly? You betcha it is!

time svn foo real 0m0.493s

time /usr/bin/svn foo real 0m0.019s

But... as with most things written in Ruby, it's all more about productivity than raw execution speed. Hopefully the productivity gains you get from using this wrapper will more than make up for the 0.5 s extra you have to wait for the svn command. :-) If not, I guess it's not for you.

To do

Drop dependency on colordiff and use a native ruby colorizer that works on top of standard diff output. That may be necessary to support following change:

Make it do these by default: -x [--extensions] arg : Default: '-u'. When Subversion is invoking an external diff program, ARG is simply passed along to the program. But when Subversion is using its default internal diff implementation, or when Subversion is displaying blame annotations, ARG could be any of the following: -b (--ignore-space-change): Ignore changes in the amount of white space. -w (--ignore-all-space): Ignore all white space. --ignore-eol-style: Ignore changes in EOL style

Calling "Extensions.anything" is stupid. Can't we just merge/extend/include the methods from Extensions into the Subversion module itself?

Say you just did svn mv base-suffix base-new_suffix. Now say you want to commit that move without committing anything else in that dir. You'd think you could just do svn ci base-*, but no. That doesn't get base-suffix because it has been removed from the file system (and scheduled for deletion). Can we make it so a '' (or any glob) (escaped so shell doesn't get it) actually looks at all files returned by svn st (which includes those scheduled for deletion, D) that match that glob rather than all files, rather than the glob that the shell* would do?

Say you cp'd a file A to B. You make some modifications to it and later decide to add it. Wouldn't it be nice if you could retroactively cause B to inherit the ancestry of A (as if you had svn cp'd it instead of cp'd it to begin with)? I propose a copy_ancestry_from / imbue_with_ancestry_from command, so that you can do svn copy_ancestry_from B A that does just that. Then you could also svn rm A and it would be (I think) completely equivalent to having done an svn mv A B in the first place.

svn list_conflicts instead of: svn st --no-color | grep "^C"

Take the best ideas from these and incorporate:

Possibly switch to LazySvn.

After you save/edit/set an svn:externals, it should try to automatically pretty up the margins/alignment for you.

/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/piston-1.3.3/lib/piston/commands/import.rb has interesting way of parsing output from svn info my_info = YAML::load(svn(:info, File.join(dir, '..'))) my_revision = YAML::load(svn(:info, my_info['URL']))['Revision']

Get everything that was on

Ideas from TortoiseSvn

When you drag and drop one or more files to a WC directory, it prompts you with a context menu with these options:

Name ideas

Word ideas to possibly incorporate:

Contact me!

If you have any comments, suggestions, or patches, I would love to hear them! You'd be surprised how open I am to considering small or even massive changes to this project.