hschickdevs / Telegram-Crypto-Alerts

The most popular open-source cryptocurrency alerting tool for Telegram! Providing alerts for simple price movements from Binance and technical indicators from Taapi.io.
MIT License
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Monitor price changes over a specified period #8

Closed kewlfft closed 1 year ago

kewlfft commented 1 year ago

It would be great to have an alert on the price change for 24h. This is the field priceChangePercent calling the service /api/v3/ticker/24hr of the Binance API.

hschickdevs commented 1 year ago

This would be great!

Thanks so much for the contribution. I will add this and push to main branch.

hschickdevs commented 1 year ago

😀 I've made this update as promised.

You can now create a 24 hour price change alert using: /newalert BASE/QUOTE PRICE 24HRCHG E.g. /newalert ETH/USDT PRICE 24HRCHG 2.5
