hschickdevs / Telegram-Crypto-Alerts

The most popular open-source cryptocurrency alerting tool for Telegram! Providing alerts for simple price movements from Binance and technical indicators from Taapi.io.
MIT License
69 stars 14 forks source link
alerts binance bot cryptocurrency monitor python python-telegram-bot telegram

Made with Python3 Stargazers Last Commit


Telegram Crypto Alerts

The most popular open-source cryptocurrency alerting tool for Telegram!

This lightweight software facilitates alerts on cryptocurrency price movements and technical indicators through Telegram using their open-source API.

About the ProjectDeployment OptionsBot CommandsAdd IndicatorsChangelogContributeContact


📦 NOTE: Major version 3.0.0 has launched! See the 🔗CHANGELOG for more details.

About the Project

The primary goal of Telegram Crypto Alerts is to be a lightweight, intuitive, and modular cryptocurrency price alert bot for the Telegram messaging client.

The bot utilizes Telegram's simple chat interface to provide users the following features:

Deployment Options

This bot is designed to be easily extensible and deployable on a variety of platforms. The following are the available deployment options.:

Managed Deployment (Recommended)

I will choose the most cost-efficient and performant platform and deploy the bot for you. I will then manage the bot for a small fee. Please go to and fill out the form below to request a quote:

Click Here: 🔗Managed Hosting Request Form

Self Deployment

If you have advanced technical abilities and would like to self host the bot, you can follow the steps below to set it up on your own machine or cloud server. Click the link corresponding to your setup preference:

Click Here: 🔗Deploy from Docker

Click Here: 🔗Deploy from Source

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Telegram Bot Commands

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How to Add Technical Indicators

As stated previously, the bot is designed to be easily extensible. View the currently available indicators by using the /indicators command on the bot. If your indicator is not listed, head over to taapi.io/indicators and find the indicator you want to add. You can add any technical indicator that is supplied by taapi.io by following the steps below:

  1. Shut the bot down if it is currently running using CRTL+C in the terminal window.

  2. Open the /util/add_indicators.ipynb file using jupyter notebook.

    If you don't have jupyter installed, see this guide: https://jupyter.org/install

  3. Make a new cell, and use the db.add_indicator function to add the indicator to the database:

    View the previous examples of how the existing indicators were added to the database using the db.add_indicator function (see TADatabaseClient.add_indicator in /src/indicators.py)

    The usage of the db.add_indicator function is as follows:

      indicator_id  # Name/abbreviation of the endpoint as shown on taapi.io (e.g. BBANDS, MACD, MA)
      name  # The full name of the indicator on taapi.io (e.g. Bollinger Bands, Moving)
      endpoint  # the endpoint for the indicator in the following format: https://api.taapi.io/{indicator_id}?secret={api_key}&exchange=binance
      reference_url  # The url to the taapi.io documentation for the indicator
      params  # A list of tuples to specify additional parameters for the indicator: (param_name, param_description, default_value)
      output  # A list of output values for the indicator, as shown on taapi.io (e.g. upperBand, middleBand, lowerBand)

    Important Restrictions:

    • endpoint - Must match the format shown above. The bot automatically adds the symbol and interval required parameters. Additional parameters can be added using the params.
    • params - The param_name must match the name of the parameter as shown on taapi.io. The param_description is a short description of the parameter (used in the /indicators command). The default_value is your custom default value for the parameter.

      Using the following screenshot below as an example:


      The params list would look like the following:

       ("optInFastPeriod", "Fast period length", 12),
       ("optInSlowPeriod", "Slow period length", 26),
       ("optInSignalPeriod", "Signal smoothing", 9),
    • output - The output list must match the output values as shown on taapi.io.

      Additionally, the output value must be directly accessible from the API response as keys in a dictionary. For example, the following response would be valid:

       "valueMACD": 737.4052287912818,
       "valueMACDSignal": 691.8373005221695,
       "valueMACDHist": 45.56792826911237

      Because of this, parameters such as backtracks are restricted because they turn the response into a list of dictionaries. The bot is not designed to handle this type of response. The following response would NOT be valid:

          "valueMACD": 979.518807843051,
          "valueMACDSignal": 893.54139321284,
          "valueMACDHist": 85.977414630211,
          "backtrack": 0
          "valueMACD": 949.7317001653792,
          "valueMACDSignal": 872.0470395552873,
          "valueMACDHist": 77.6846606100919,
          "backtrack": 1

      You may need to DYOR to ensure that the parameters that you are configuring will result in a valid response.


Contributions are always welcome!

To contribute to the project, please do the following:

  1. Create a new issue and describe your idea/suggestion in detail
  2. Fork the project
  3. Create a branch for your new edits (E.g. new-indicator)
  4. Implement and test your changes (test, test, test!)
  5. Submit your pull request

I am actively maintaining this project, and I will respond to any issues or pull requests as soon as possible.

Please Star ⭐ the project if it helps you so that visibility increases to help others!


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Telegram.


See the future plans for the project 🔗 Here



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