hshatti / TONNXRuntime

TOnnxRuntime is a Microsoft ONNXRuntime AI and Machine Learning Library for Freepascal / Delphi
MIT License
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ai api artificial-intelligence delphi freepascal inference lazarus-ide machine-learning ml neural-networks onnx onnxruntime training

ONNXRuntime for Freepascal / Delphi

Microsoft ONNXRuntime AI and Machine Learning Library for Freepascal / Delphi


This is an implementation of Microsoft's Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNXRuntime) for Freepascal 🐾 and Delphi ⚔️

ONNXRuntime libraries comes shipped with most of modern Windows releases after Windows 8, as of the time this is written, version 1.13.1 is the most recent release, it can be installed on MacOS and most of Linux releases, for development and updates please visit ONNXRuntime Github Page.

How to install libraries


onnxruntime.dll is already shipped with windows, you can find it in %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\onnxruntime.dll or%WINDIR%\System32\onnxruntime.dll

MacOS and linux

check https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/releases


From your Lazarus or Delphi project at the header of the pascal unit include the files

  unit formUnit; 

  uses onnxruntime_pas_api, onnxruntime, Classes etc... ;
Load a Model
    session : TORTSession;
    session := TORTSession.Create('./mymodel/filname.onnx'); 
      Check your model requirements for input/output 
      names and value dimensions before preparing the inputs.
      to explore the model before preparing use :
        session.GetInputCount and session.GetOutputCount
        session.GetInputName and session.GetOutputName
        session.GetInputTypeInfo and session.GetOutputTypeInfo
Prepare an input tensor with the desired shape using TORTTensor<type> and your inputs using TORTNameValueList
  imageData : array of array of single;
  inTensor : TORTTensor<single> ; 
  inputs : TORTNameValueList  ;
  // assuming the model input name is 'image' and the tensor shape is [width, height]
  inTensor := TORTTensor<single>.Create([width, height{, depth ,etc...}]);
  for y:=0 to inTensor.shape[1]-1 do
      for x:=0 to inTensor.shape[0]-1 do
          inTensor.index2[x, y]:= imageData[x, y];  // your float values
  inputs['image'] := inTensor;        
    myDetection : array of single;
    outputs : TORTNameValueList;
    outTensor : TORTTensor<single>
      outputs   := session.run(inputs);
      outTensor := outputs['result']

      for i:=0 to outTensor.shape[0] do
        myDetection[i] := outTensor.index1[i]
More examples Coming soon..


More information about ONNXRuntime API

Contributions and suggestions are most welcome.