hsin421 / unproductivity

A fake email client that helps users read stuff at work
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Welcome to MachMail!

By Mallory B., Victor W. and Hsin H.

MachMail is a fake email client designed to emulate functional email clients.

With two different "email templates" to choose from, users can covertly read articles from popular sites without being detected!

Whether you are in a classroom or sitting in the office, let MachMail be your premiere choice for slacking!

Be sure to suggest a list of sites that you frequent in your slacking period, so we will add your favorites to your readling list!

To get started, create a user and check out the tutorial to familariaze yourself with MachMails panic gestures.

The panic gestures are designed to quickly hide articles and pictures from unwelcome eyes. In addition to clickable panic buttons, MachMail features a "secret" area on the MachLook template that turns the users desktop screen completely dark.

This ultimate panic gesture serves as a last resort and is irreversible. Once this feature is toggled, the user must refresh the page before they continue slacking again.

To make sure everything is functional after clone:

  1. cd into directory

  2. bundle install & rake db:migrate

  3. rails console

  4. require './news_provider.rb' & exit console

  5. rails server

  6. After login/signup, click "Add source" under Folders to add News source!

Have fun!