hsocasnavarro / DesktopLeapr

Desktop Leapr: A Leap Motion Desktop Navigator for Linux
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Trying to get DeaktopLeapr to run on Linux Mint 17 #2

Open TylerReedMC opened 9 years ago

TylerReedMC commented 9 years ago

Hi! Thanks for creating this program. I'm trying to get it to run under Linux Mint 17 with Cinnamon desktop. I've installed all of the dependencies and I'm running the program out of directory that includes those dependencies. All errors that the program was reporting have been resolved. However, nothing seems to happen now. I run "sudo python DesktopLeapr.py and the shell returns to a prompt. No error message. But there is no gesture recognition active as far as I can tell.


Thanks, Tyler tyler@mayaculpa.com

hsocasnavarro commented 9 years ago

Hello! I haven't touched this in a long time so not really sure if it's still compatible with the LM API. Is the leapd daemon running? Can you get visualizer to run?