hsocasnavarro / DesktopLeapr

Desktop Leapr: A Leap Motion Desktop Navigator for Linux
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DESKTOP LEAPER, Hector Socas-Navarro 2013 (hsocas.iac@gmail.com)

Experimental Python app using the LeapMotion API

Released under GPL v2 license. Please, give some credit if

you use this



* Linux

* Python

* python-Xlib

* LeapMotion SDK

* if not in your path, LeapSDK/lib/Leap.py and LeapSDK/lib/x??/LeapPython.so

must be present in the running directory

* OPTIONAL: xdotool (if not present, windows cannot be minimized)




This program sends simulated key presses to the X server in order to

interact with the window manager. The following key bindings need

to be associated with certain window manager actions to function


Ctrl+Alt+Left, Ctrl+Alt+Right: Switch to desktop on the left or


Ctrl+Shift+Tab: Invoke the Window Switcher application. Assumed

behavior is that while Ctrl+Shift are held down the mouse

pointer can be used to select a window

Alt+Mouse left click: Grab a window until Alt key is released

*Use one finger to move the mouse pointer. Pointer is given by the

position of the palm, not the finger but this is unnoticeable in


*While moving the pointer, push the finger towards the screen above

the Leap Motion to generate a mouse click. Note: It is very

difficult to make precise mouse clicks in this manner

*Activate window switcher by holding your hand open with all fingers

pointing down. Once activated the hand may be returned to

horizontal position but should still be open to move the pointer

to the desired window. Once the pointer is over the desired window

close hand and leave only one finger or move the hand towards the

screen to select that window. It takes practice to do this without

altering the pointer poisition.

*The window switcher is closed when either the hand is pushed towards

the screen above the leap motion or when it is in horizontal

position and closed or showing only one finger

*To grab a window, hold hour hand horizontally, open your hand

completely for a second and then close it quickly. Once a window

has been grabbed you can just move it to any other location and

release it by simply opening your hand again. It can also be

minimized by moving it rapidly to the left edge of the screen

(minimization is done invoking the xdotool command so you'd need

to have it installed and in the path).

*To scroll up or down, hold your hand horizontally with the palm

facing down and move all your fingers up or down while the mouse

pointer is over a window that can be scrolled.

*To switch to the desktop to the left or right, simply open your

hand with your palm facing up and slowly rotate it clockwise

or counterclockwise. A slow rotation will be easier to pick up

by the Leap Motion.
