hspinks / omniauth-ihealth

NOT ACTIVELY MAINTAINED - an OmniAuth strategy for iHealth
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This project is no longer actively maintained, and may be out of date with the iHealth API

Omniauth Strategy for iHealth

This is a strategy to connect with iHealth using Ommniauth and OAuth 2.0. Originally written by ArturKarbone, up to date as of Feb 13, 2014 for iHealth's API.

You can apply for API access on iHealth's developer website here.


Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'omniauth-ihealth', :git=>'https://github.com/hspinks/omniauth-ihealth.git'

Then bundle install.


OmniAuth::Strategies::IHealth is a Rack middleware. Read the OmniAuth docs for detailed instructions: https://github.com/intridea/omniauth

Here's a quick example, adding the middleware to a Rails app in config/initializers/omniauth.rb:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :ihealth, ENV['KEY'], ENV['SECRET']


You can configure several options, which you pass in to the provider method via a Hash:

Auth Hash

Here's an example Auth Hash available in request.env['omniauth.auth']:

    "provider" => "ihealth",
    "uid" => "12345",
    "info" => {
        "name" => "John Doe",
        "nickname" => "John Doe",
        "image" => "https://cloud.ihealthlabs.com/logos/12345.png"
    "credentials" => {
        "token" => "ABCDEF...", # OAuth 2.0 access_token
        "refresh_token" => "ABCDEF...",
        "expires_at" => 1392501884,
        "expires" => true
    "extra" => {
        "user_info" => {
            "name" => "John Doe",
            "gender" => "male",
            "birthday" => "2013-12-31",
            "image" => "https://cloud.ihealthlabs.com/logos/12345.png",
            "nickname" => "John Doe",
            "height" => 72.00, # height in inches
            "weight" => 180.00 # weight in pounds
        "raw_info" => {
            "HeightUnit" => 0, # 0 for cm, 1 for ft
            "WeightUnit" => 0, # 0 for kg, 1 for lbs, 2 for stone
            "dateofbirth" => 1388534400,
            "gender" => "Male",
            "height" => 182.88,
            "logo" => "https%3a%2f%2fcloud.ihealthlabs.com%2flogos%2f12345.png",
            "nickname" => "John Doe",
            "userid" => "12345",
            "weight" => 81.6