hsr / oscars

2012-present git import of OSCARS: On-Demand Secure Circuits and Advance Reservation System
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OSCARS: ESnet's Circuit Reservation System

This repository is a git import of OSCARS, the ESnet's circuit reservation system. The original repository can be found here.


In the summer of 2013, I worked with the integration of [OSCARS](http://www.es.net/services/virtual-circuits-oscars/ OSCARS) and Floodlight. In the SDN context, OSCARS is an application that controls the ESnet 100G network and Floodlight is a SDN controller that communicates with network devices using OpenFlow. I used this repository to keep track of my changes to OSCARS.


This version of OSCARS was deployed and tested in a CentOS 6.4 machine. If you want to use it on a Ubuntu machine, you need to fix the syntax of the scripts. Also, this version of OSCARS requires Floodlight deployed and running.

The first step is to get a copy of the repository and its submodules:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/hsr/oscars


To use the SDN Path Setup Subsystem (PSS): change the PSS module you want to use in oscars/utils/config/config.yaml to SDN instead of STUB. You also need to change maven's project object model at oscars/pom.xml to build the SDN PSS instead of the original Stub PSS. Replace <module>stubPSS</module> with <module>sdnPSS</module>. NOTE that if you are using this fork of OSCARS, the SDN PSS is already configured as the default PSS to be compiled and loaded, and you can skip this step.

To configure your topology in the SDNPSS format: if you are using SDNPSS to configure your devices, you need to create a NMWG topology file that contains the necessary information of network devices. Follow the instructions given in the SDNPSS repository's README.md file.

(Optional) To fetch topology from Floodlight: change the local domain id in oscars/utils/config/config.yaml to a valid SDN Topology Service Identification (TSI) sdn:<controller name>:<yourdomain>. An example of a valid TSI would be sdn:floodlight:my.domain. This TSI instruct OSCARS's Topology Bridge module to use the Floodlight Topology Service implementation of ISDNTopologyService to fetch the topology (for more information, see net.es.oscars.topoBridge.sdn.ISDNTopologyService). You also need to add the parameter 'sdn' at the same level of the id you changed and set it to your controller's URL. Here is a complete example for domain testdomain and Floodlight's REST interface listening on port 8080 of server floodlight.es.net:

    id: 'sdn.floodlight.testdomain'
    sdn: 'http://floodlight.es.net:8080'

Note that you don't need to use the SDN PSS to fetch topology from Floodlight.

Compile and Install

Before compiling OSCARS, you need to set OSCARS's environment variables OSCARS_DIST and OSCARS_HOME. They should be set to the paths of OSCARS's source code directory and OSCARS's runtime configurations directory respectively.

export OSCARS_DIST=$(pwd)/oscars 
export OSCARS_HOME=$(pwd)/oscars_home

Use maven to compile and install OSCARS:

mvn install -DskipTests

After that, make sure you start your mysql database (and also reset if you want a fresh install of OSCARS):

mysql -u root -e 'drop database rm; drop database authn; drop database authz'; \
${OSCARS_DIST}/authN/scripts/configure_database ${OSCARS_DIST}/authN/sql; \
${OSCARS_DIST}/authZ/scripts/configure_database ${OSCARS_DIST}/authZ/sql; \
${OSCARS_DIST}/resourceManager/scripts/configure_database ${OSCARS_DIST}/resourceManager/sql

Running OSCARS

Before starting OSCARS, you need to create an user and password. To do that, use the following script:


OSCARS is composed by various modules. You can start and stop each of them manually, using the scrips startServers.sh and stopServers.sh from ${OSCARS_DIST}/bin/. To start all of them in production mode, just run the following command:

${OSCARS_DIST}/bin/startServers.sh PRO ALL

Other possible contexts are DEV and SDK.

Wait until all the services have started, and check if they are listening for connections using netstat:

netstat -ntpl

Here is a list of imporant services:

Lookup, port 9014
TopologyBridge, port 9019
ResourceManager, port 9006
AuthN, port 9090
AuthZ, port 9190
Coordinator, port 9003
NullAgg, port 10001
DijkstraPCE, port 9008
ConnectivityPCE, port 9007
BandwidthPCE, port 9009
VlanPCE, port 9010
l3mplsPCE on port 90153
sdnPSS on port 9050
notificationBridge on port 9012
wsnbroker on port 9013
WBUI Server on port 8443
api on port 9001

Once all the services started, point your browser to https://<yourmachine>:8443/OSCARS. Use the username and password created before.

You can check the logs and (possible) errors messages in the directory ${OSCARS_HOME}/logs/.