A ionic tags input component for ionic2 中文文档
npm install ionic-tags-input --save
import the module:
import {IonTagsInputModule} from "ionic-tags-input";
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" (onChange)="onChange($event)"></ion-tags-input>
export class YourPage {
tags = ['Ionic', 'Angular', 'TypeScript'];
constructor() {}
set placeholder
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [placeholder]="'add tag'"></ion-tags-input>
set input type
Can not be verified, but can set the keyboard type
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [type]="'email'"></ion-tags-input>
can not be repeated
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [once]="'true'"></ion-tags-input>
Setting mode
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [mode]="'md'"></ion-tags-input>
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [mode]="'ios'"></ion-tags-input>
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [mode]="'wp'"></ion-tags-input>
Setting color:
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [color]="'light'"></ion-tags-input>
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [color]="'secondary'"></ion-tags-input>
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [color]="'danger'"></ion-tags-input>
All color: light secondary danger dark warn gray purple
Special color: random
Hide remove button
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [hideRemove]="true"></ion-tags-input>
Use separator submit input
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [separatorStr]="','"></ion-tags-input>
Use Backspace
remove tag
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [canBackspaceRemove]="true"></ion-tags-input>
Use Enter
submit input
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [canEnterAdd]="true"></ion-tags-input>
A function whose argument is a string, returns a boolean value
<ion-tags-input [(ngModel)]="tags" [verifyMethod]="verifyTag"></ion-tags-input>
export class YourPage {
tags = ['Ionic', 'Angular', 'TypeScript'];
constructor() {}
verifyTag(str: string): boolean{
return str !== 'ABC' && str.trim() !== '';
Name | Type | Description |
mode | String | platform style md ios wp |
color | String | color style light secondary danger dark warn gray purple random #xxxxxx |
readonly | Boolean | readonly |
placeholder | String | input placeholder |
type | String | input type |
maxTags | number | sets tags max number, -1 unlimited |
hideRemove | Boolean | hide remove button |
once | Boolean | setting can not be repeated |
canEnterAdd | Boolean | can usr the Enter key submit input |
canBackspaceRemove | Boolean | can usr the Backspace key remove tag |
verifyMethod | Function | use function to verify input |
Name | Description |
ionFocus | on focus |
ionBlur | on blur |