htacg / tidy-html5-tests

Regression testing files and tools for HTML Tidy.
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Note, this repository has been archived, and is no longer used by the HTML Tidy project. Regression testing has been once again merged back into the main repository. The remainder of this document and repository have been left intact in the interest of discovery by future alien robotic explorers.

Tidy Regression Testing Specification


This directory contains test cases and tools for executing them in order to perform Tidy output regression testing.

All cases can be found in subdirectories of cases/.

Testing tools can be found in the tools-* directories, and contain general language and platform-specific tools that can perform testing in accordance with this specification.

Each directory should have a README describing the contents of tools, test cases contained, etc.

Input Specification

The test cases consist of the following:

Each set of cases consists of directories and a text file within the cases/ directory. Each test set shall consist of the following directories/files, where setname indicates the name of the testing set, e.g., testbase (our default set of case files).



Output Specification

The output specification is written such that it makes it trivial to easily diff a setname-expects directory with the output of a test in order to check for differences.

Test results consist of Tidy's HTML output, Tidy's warning/error output, and a test report. Testing tools may leave additional temporary files behind as well.

Each set of results consists of directories within the cases/ directory.



Additional Notes and Comments

In essence it is an attempt to automate some regression testing. The idea is that after making a code change to Tidy, testing can be run using the new Tidy executable. This would produce an output in the cases/ directory.

For example, comparing testbase-expects/ with testbase-results
will show you what file output was changed by your code modification, if any.

If those changes result in an improvement of tidy/libtidy, then the new expects should be fully updated to reflect the particular version-TAG...

This process needs some review... ideas welcome.. thanks...

In general, it is hoped, that normally the output would not change, despite many bumps in the tidy build version, before it is required to make a new expects tag/branch created here...

The master branch should 100% reflects the htacg master branch... ie, last official release... there could be a dev branch next, to further mirror the parent, Tidy...

Various other branch names, could reflect that version, especially during periods of lots of message changes, which here can be difficult...

Whatever is chosen, devs can create specific branches here, yet another way to provide quick, full, easy, regression testing... thanks...

; eof