An Anki addon for automatically generating computer or mobile phone wallpapers containing the kanji tagged as learning (or a custom tag) in Anki notes.
The wallpapers contain the kanji on/kun readings and some compound words by JLPT level:
Install Python Imaging Library
>> pip install pillow
Install cjktools
>> pip install cjktools
Install Kanji Words for JLPT Anki addon
Install this addon by downloading the files and loading into the Anki addons
In the tools menu, select the 'Generate Kanji Wallpapers' option.
Select the deck with the kanji notes. In the kanji field input box, write the field name where the kanji appears in the notes. For instance, if the note format is:
Japanese: 草
English: grass
write 'Japanese' in the kanji field input box.
In the type of cards input box, write which class of notes will be used for the automatic generation of wallpapers.
Set the wallpaper resolution and the maximum number of compound words that will appear in the wallpaper. For a custom resolution or changing the default settings, select the option "Custom" in the Wallpaper resolution setting.
If you feel like buying me a green tea :tea: , donations are always welcome:
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